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Annual 5YTP process

The development of the 5YTP is a multi-stage process that connects the goals, objectives, policies, and programs of statewide planning with input from the public and sets the stage for successful program delivery and evaluation. Each year, the first year of projects is implemented, a new year is added, and program and project adjustments are made to the other years, as required. The steps in this process are:

Green dollar icon.

Revenue estimates

  • MDOT Finance and the Michigan Department of Treasury collaborate to develop a consensus on revenue estimates and projections.
  • Federal revenue projections are based on the federal transportation authorization bill, currently the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).
  • State revenue projections are based on estimated gas tax and registration fee receipts.
Gray pie chart icon.

Investment strategies

  • Staff work with department leadership to develop a strategy for investing revenues in alignment with federal and state condition and safety goals, and performance measures. 
  • For roads and bridges, the overall investment strategy defines how much funding will be allocated to each program category to achieve these goals.
  • These resulting allocations, referred to as targets, are monitored by the department throughout the year to ensure fiscal constraint is maintained.
Purple check list icon.

Call for Projects

  • Projects are identified through MDOTs annual highway Call for Projects (CFP) process, which includes instructions to all MDOT regions and program managers on strategic objectives and target funding levels to ensure alignment with the direction set by the State Long-Range Transportation Plan (SLRTP) and the State Transportation Commission (STC). 
  • Project lists are included at the end of each document. These lists cover the portion of the highway program that MDOT delivers and does not include projects and programs controlled by local agencies, or a full listing of projects from all modes.
Blue computer icon.

Document development

  • While the project list is reviewed for accuracy in the spring, the full draft document is being prepared to be presented to the STC by mid-summer. 
  • Once the draft is approved, it is posted to MDOT’s public website with an accompanying interactive map for a 30-day public comment period to provide an additional opportunity to gain public and stakeholder input. This posting is announced with a news release, social media posts, and via public e-mail lists at both the state and local levels.
Orange chat/thought bubbles.

Stakeholder engagement

  • The 5YTP process offers the public and stakeholders an important opportunity to engage in discussions about upcoming road and bridge projects and planned investments in Michigan’s transportation infrastructure. MDOT utilizes e-mail, mail, social media, and commenting through the Michigan Transportation Program Portal (MTPP) to gather input.
  • Comments received throughout this period are collected, evaluated, responded to, and considered in program development.
A yellow capitol building icon.

Deliver to legislature by March 1

  • A final draft is presented to the STC in the fall, during which time questions from the commissioners and the public are addressed.
  • Once approved by the STC, the document is considered final and is published to the MDOT 5YTP website, along with an interactive map of highway projects. The final document is submitted to the Michigan Legislature by March 1 each year.