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Transportation Safety

Effective Pedestrian/Non-Motorized Crossing Enhancements along Higher Speed Corridors

Project Number: SPR-1734

Contract Number: 2019-0313 Z6

Status: Complete

Start Date: 10/01/2021

End Date: 09/30/2023




The purpose of this research was to examine crashes along higher speed roads (speed limit of 45 mph or more) excluding freeways, at signalized and unsignalized locations, determine predominant causes of these crashes, and to identify countermeasures for these crashes. Assessment of high crash corridors included an examination of the number of crashes per mile with particular focus on fatal and incapacitating crashes. Most high crash corridors were in urban or suburban locations. Few high crash corridors occurred in rural areas. Once the research team had identified high crash corridors site visits were made to examine crash causation using the crash narrative and diagram form the police crash report. If crashes occurred at night site visits were also made during dark conditions and light meter readings were taken at each crash location. Countermeasures were selected based on cost effectiveness and appropriateness which considered best known information on Crash Reduction Factors, and the Cost of Crashes. The results indicated that many of the severe crashes at these locations occurred at night. Light meter readings indicated that most serious crashes occurred at locations with light level readings below 20 lux with many occurring at locations with light level reading between 1 and 6 lux.




Research Manager Project Manager Performing Organization
Staff photo of Andre Clover Project Manager Mark Bott

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Andre Clover Mark Bott Western Michigan University