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Maintenance memos

Maintenance memos (MM) provide information and guidance in performing maintenance activities on State trunklines to MDOT's regions, TSCs, garages, special crews, and local agencies.

MM were drafted between 1977 and 2007. MM information replaces the Operations Maintenance Handbook, Volume 1 - Operations.

Since 2005 maintenance advisories (MA) have been used to convey information and updates on maintenance practices. 

If there is conflicting information between a published MM and MA, the information in the most recent document should prevail.

Maintenance memos index


MM 2007-01 Sign sheeting material change


MM 2005-1 Culvert management guidelines


MM 2004-02 Contract county purchase of roll-up signs

MM 2004-01 State trunkline maintenance contract salt purchase


MM 2003-06 Illicit discharge elimination program procedures

MM 2003-05 Information on winter operations around sidewalks and pedestrian overpasses

MM 2003-03 Roadside mowing


MM 2002-05 Dark signals

MM 2002-02 Calibration of salt trucks


MM 2000-02 Temporary and political signs adjacent to state trunkline right of way

MM 2000-01 Emergency procedures for road closures Section 5


MM 1999-06 Removing temporary signs from within state trunkline right of way

MM 1999-05 Contract agency work review documentation

MM 1999-04 Movable bridge maintenance responsibilities

MM 1999-03 Highway maintenance patrol letter of understanding


MM 1998-11 Maintenance audit review process for contract agencies

MM 1998-10 Interagency agreement for welcome centers

MM 1998-09 Survey monuments

MM 1998-08 Repair at storm water pumpstations

MM 1998-07 MDOT responsibility for work done at weigh stations

MM 1998-06 Building maintenance

MM 1998-05 Overhead schedule for chemical storage facility contract agreements

MM 1998-04 Roadside park closures

MM 1998-03 Traffic sign installation date stickers

MM 1998-01 Pesticide spray areas


MM 1996-01 Guidance for repair of damaged mailboxes


MM 1993-02 Disposal of large road killed animals

MM 1993-01 Guideline for electrical traffic control device maintenance


MM 1989-03 White shoulder policy

MM 1989-01 Loaning of state-owned equipment


MM 1988-02 Trunkline intersections with city/county roads and streets

MM 1988-01 Right-of-way fence


MM 1987-02 Handicapped parking

MM 1987-01 Bridge spot painting standards and guidelines


MM 1985-01 Maintenance of county drain culverts and bridges under state trunklines


MM 1984-01 Piling of snow at intersections and driveways 


MM 1982-03 Removal of dead animals and foreign matter from the roadway

MM 1982-02 Movable bridges signaling

MM 1982-01 Snow hauling