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Annual Application for Funding

MDOT's Office of Passenger Transportation (OPT) distributes federal and state funds for the provision of public transit and intercity bus services. Funding supports services that benefit Michigan’s statewide public transportation.

New applicants, if approved for funding, will be subject to the federal and state funding regulations. These funding regulations include, but are not limited to Federal Transit Administration compliance review, Vehicle Maintenance Plan, Vehicle Accessibility Plan, Drug and Alcohol Policy, ADA Complaint Policy, Title VI Program, and Language Assistance Plan. For details, contact OPT at 517-335-1692.

Required application forms for new applicants:

Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program

Section 5311 Michigan Tribal Government Grant Program

Section 5304 program application

Intercity service development (operating) project proposal

Service initiatives application