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Transit highlights

Intermodal East Lansing Station with Amtrak, Blue Water and Greyhound passenger buses.
Department of Transportation

Transit highlights

  • Yates Dial-a-Ride employees recently were recognized in their local Lake County Star Newspaper. Yates placed third in the state at the 47th annual Michigan Small Bus Roadeo event in Frankenmuth, Michigan, on July 25. The event honors and celebrates the value of rural and community transit operator, the backbone of the transportation industry. 
  • BATA's new Operations Center takes shape in the center of it all
  • Michigan receives grants for buses and bus facilities (BBF) and no-emission (low-no) vehicle programs funding for transit projects
  • MDOT received Ferry Service for Rural Communities Program funding in the amount of $10,000,000 for the construction of a new ferry and dock renovations for the Beaver Island Transportation Authority in Michigan.
  • MDOT received Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility Pilot Program funding in the amount of $480,000 for Rural Electrification Vehicles and Charging Stations for Non-Emergency Medical Rides To Wellness, Phase Two.