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Universal Reduced Fare Card Program

The Universal Reduced Fare Card is a special card offered free of charge that allows seniors and people with disabilities to use participating transit providers throughout the state, and receive the provider’s reduced fare without completing additional applications or paperwork.

Universal Reduced Fare Card is a partner pilot project between the Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council (MDDC), the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Office of Passenger Transportation, MASSTrans, and the Michigan Public Transportation Association (MPTA). It is strictly voluntary between providers. Not all transit providers participate in this program, so interested individuals should review the Transit Agencies by County list.

Participating Agencies Map


The benefits of the Universal Reduced Fare Card include easier, seamless access to transportation with less paperwork. Currently, most transportation providers require an application to receive a reduced fare. With the Universal Reduced Fare Card, a qualifying person will receive reduced fare at all participating providers.

Local transit agencies are required to offer reduced fares to persons 65 years of age or older, and persons with disabilities riding on their general public fixed-route or demand response (i.e., dial-a-ride) service during off-peak hours.

Obtaining a Card
Individuals interested in obtaining the Universal Reduced Fare Card to ride their local transit service or participating services should contact their local transit agency. The local transit agency may provide an identification card or add a sticker to an existing card to get the universal reduced fare.

Note: Not all areas of the state have transit service or accept the Universal Reduced Fare Card. 

Visiting Another Service Area
Individuals planning to visit another local transit service area and want reduced fare should review the Transit Agencies by County list.

Reduced fares shall not be higher than one-half of the regular one-way single fare. Each provider is able to set their own fares, so different transit agencies may have different rates.

  • Participating Transit Agencies

If a transit agency has agreed to accept a Universal Reduced Fare Card issued by another local transit agency, the rider will need to contact the visiting transit agency to determine how to use their system (including what route to take or how to arrange for a demand response ride). Riders must follow the policies and procedures of the visiting transit agency. Riders should note that transit agencies may have different standard fares, which means reduced fares could be more or less than a rider's local transit agency's fare. Also, hours may vary, so it is important to learn what services are available in the visiting area.

  • Non-participating Transit Agencies

If a transit agency does not participate in the Universal Reduced Fare Card program, riders must contact the agency directly and follow their process to receive a card or be put on a list for reduced fare. Each agency will have their own processes and criteria.

Important: The Universal Reduced Fare Card does not provide for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) paratransit eligibility and it does not provide reduced fare for ADA paratransit. 


Fred Featherly, Project Manager