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LARA Orders Shutdown of Unsafe Blue Spiral Waterslide at Torzewski County Park in Lapeer

Media Contact: LARA Communications 517-335-LARA (5272)

Cease and Desist Order Issued Against Lapeer County Parks and Recreation

July 8, 2019 - Due to a safety violation of Michigan’s Carnival-Amusement Safety Act (Act), LARA’s Bureau of Construction Codes (BCC) issued a Cease & Desist order against Lapeer County Parks and Recreation for operating the Blue Spiral Waterslide located at Torzewski County Park, 2051 Pero Lake Road in Lapeer, MI. The order prohibits Lapeer County Parks and Recreation from operating the waterslide until the violation is corrected to meet compliance with the Act and its promulgated rules, and before it may safely and legally be put back into service for public use. 

Upon inspection, BCC found one safety violation of the Act, finding the ride to be hazardous or unsafe: corroded steel connecting the stair stringers to the platforms must be replaced.  

“Before getting on to amusement rides this summer, check to see if the ride has a permit to operate,” said Keith Lambert, director of LARA’s Bureau of Construction Codes that oversees the state’s carnival-amusement ride safety program. “We inspect permitted carnival and amusement rides annually to help ensure safety. Any reports of unsafe or unpermitted rides receive our immediate attention to help keep the public safe.”

The order also notifies Lapeer County Parks and Recreation that violation of the Act may lead to administrative, civil, and criminal sanctions. A person who violates the Act is guilty of a misdemeanor and every subsequent day which continues the violation is a separate offense. Lapeer County Parks and Recreation was also informed that the matter was referred to local police and fire authorities, and the prosecuting attorney for review and possible action which may include criminal sanctions.   

Consumers who have questions regarding the status of a carnival-amusement ride, can visit LARA's Ski-Amusement Division website, call us at (517) 241-9273, or email at:

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