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EDC-2 Innovations (2013-2014)
Round 2 of Every Day Counts began in 2013 and ended in 2014. This round included a total of 13 innovations.
3D Engineered Models for Construction
Using 3D engineered models allows for faster, more accurate and more efficient planning and construction of transportation projects. EDC-2 encouraged a transition from traditional two-dimensional design to 3D modeling as a strategy for shortening project delivery and improving quality and safety on the construction site.
Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC)
Accelerated bridge construction enables highway agencies to replace bridges in hours and reduce planning and construction efforts by years, reducing traffic delays and potentially lowering project costs. EDC-2 promoted three ABC technologies:
Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil-Integrated Bridge System (GRS-IBS)
Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems (PBES)
Slide-In Bridge Construction (SIBC) -
Alternative Technical Concepts (ATC)
The use of alternative technical concepts gives contractors the opportunity to propose innovative, cost-effective solutions that are equal to or better than the contracting agency’s design and construction criteria for a project. This contracting approach promotes competition and enables highway agencies to choose design and construction solutions that offer the best value.
Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC)
In the construction manager/general contractor project delivery process, the project owner hires a contractor to provide feedback during the design phase on issues such as innovation use, cost and time savings, and constructability. This helps the project owner make better decisions and manage projects with accelerated construction schedules and greater cost certainty.
The design-build project delivery method combines a project’s design and construction phases in one contract, allowing the contractor flexibility to choose design, materials and construction methods while assuming the risk and responsibility for both design and construction. This can accelerate project delivery, lower costs and improve quality.
Geospatial Data Collaboration
Geospatial data collaboration facilitates information sharing among project delivery stakeholders and improves the quality and speed of project decisions. Advances in technology facilitate project collaboration by making geographic information system tools, data and maps accessible online.
High Friction Surface Treatments
High friction surface treatments are pavement overlay systems with exceptional skid resistance not typically provided by conventional paving materials. They involve applying durable aggregates with a polymer binder to provide motorists with better traction at high-crash locations, such as horizontal curves, intersection approaches, upgrades and downgrades.
Implementing Quality Environmental Documents (IQED)
The implementing quality environmental documentation strategy promotes best practices for simplifying and expediting the development of National Environmental Policy Act documents required for construction projects. It focuses on three principles: tell the project story, keep the document brief and ensure that it meets legal requirements.
Intelligent Compaction
Intelligent compaction improves the quality, uniformity and long-lasting performance of pavements. It uses modern vibratory rollers equipped with accelerometers, a continuous measurement system, GPS-based mapping and an onboard computer reporting system to accelerate pavement construction and improve roadway quality.
Intersection and Interchange Geometrics
Intersection and interchange geometrics can accommodate traffic volumes more efficiently while improving safety by minimizing the conflict points where many crashes occur. EDC-2 focused on five designs: diverging diamond interchanges, displaced left-turn intersections, median U-turn intersections, restricted crossing U-turn intersections and modern roundabouts.
Locally Administered Federal-Aid Projects
EDC-2 promoted a three-pronged strategy to help local public agencies navigate the complexities of the Federal-Aid Highway Program. The strategies include stakeholder partnering, certification and qualification programs, and consultant services flexibilities.
National Traffic Incident Management Responder Training
Traffic incident management responder training teaches techniques for safe, quick clearance at incident scenes that protect drivers and responders while minimizing traffic flow impacts. FHWA offers a train-the-trainer course in cooperation with the second Strategic Highway Research Program that equips experienced responders to train other responders.
Programmatic Agreements
Programmatic agreements establish streamlined approaches for handling routine environmental requirements on highway projects, reducing review times and accelerating project delivery. The agreements usually set procedures for complying with federal laws, but they can also address tribal, state or local laws.
Read the complete EDC-2 Final Report at: