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Every Day Counts Initiative (EDC)

Every Day Counts (EDC) is a national initiative to accelerate project delivery through project streamlining and technology implementation.

To get up to date information on the accomplishments being made deploying these innovations throughout the country, subscribe to EDC News.


EDC-7 MDOT, Industry, and FHWA Leads



EDC- 6 Progress Report #3 -  summarizes the June 2022 status of deployment for the 7 innovations in the sixth round of EDC. 

EDC Catalog - Updated EDC catalog of banners and booth materials

Member List:

The MI-STIC's membership shall reflect the diversity of the highway industry in the state by representing a balanced cross-section, including entities from various geographic locations and agencies of varying size. At a minimum, membership represents the following:

MDOT- Michigan Department of Transportation

FHWA- Federal Highway Administration

LTAP/TTAP - Local and Tribal Technical Assistance Program

NACE- National Association of County Engineers

CRAM - County Road Association of Michigan

MPOs - Several Metropolitan Planning Organizations are participating stakeholders.

MITA - Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association

ACEC of MI - America Council of Engineering Companies of Michigan

APWA of MI - American Public Works Association, Michigan Chapter