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Special Funding Program

Department of Transportation

Special Funding Program

The Special Funding Program Unit (formerly known as the Rural Unit) assists local agencies in delivering projects that are funded with other various federal and state transportation funds. Examples of these funds include the federal and State of Michigan designated funds or Earmarks, Federal Land Access Program (FLAP), Emergency Repair and Response (ER) Program, the Ferry Boat Program (FBP), Congestion Mitigation / Air Quality (CMAQ), Carbon Reduction (CR) Program, Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grants, and various other legislated programs. Such projects are awarded to eligible local municipalities.

The unit also administers projects for which local agencies have obtained Transportation Alternatives (TA) funds for selected Safe Routes to Schools projects, as well as enhancement grant funded projects, including nonmotorized pathways and streetscapes.

In addition, the unit delivers the Local Safety Program, in which the goal is improving the safety for all users (motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users) on public roadways under local agency jurisdiction. All roads open to the public, even if such roads are not on the federal-aid eligible network, are eligible for safety funds. Applications are accepted annually.


Landon Johnson, P.E. | 517-335-6779
Special Programs team leader

Michele Zawerucha, P.E. l 989-274-2356
Urban Obligation specialist

Dale Spencley, P.E. |517-241-3403
Rural & Bridge Obligation specialist 

Roberto Renteria, Jr., P.E. | 269-254-5957
Special Project specialist

Jackie Pethers, P.E. | 517-643-6189
Safety Program engineer

Sam Jablonowski, P.E. | 517-335-4102
Enhancement engineer

Local Safety Program

Applications are accepted annually.