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Public meeting May 29 to discuss 2026 US-23 Smith's Creek culvert replacement project in Cheboygan

GAYLORD, Mich. - The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) invites the public to attend a public meeting to gather comments on the planned 2026 replacement of the US-23 culvert over Smith’s Creek in Cheboygan.

MDOT staff
Community stakeholders
Local businesses
Interested members of the public

Wednesday, May 29, 2024
4 - 6 p.m.

Cheboygan City Hall
403 North Huron St.
Cheboygan, MI 49721

Attendees who require mobility, visual, hearing, written, or other assistance for effective participation should contact Orlando Curry at 517-241-7462 or, preferably at least five business days prior to the scheduled meeting. Forms are located on the Title VI webpage. Requests made after this timeframe will be evaluated and honored to the extent possible.

Project information:
MDOT plans to replace the current culvert over Smith’s Creek with a new box culvert that will tie into the existing channel lining. Work will include building a temporary bypass channel for the creek while the new culvert is installed. The project will require a detour on local streets during construction.


Recreational property information and public input:
To complete the culvert replacement project, MDOT is proposing to obtain a portion of permanent right of way along the southeast edge of the Welcome to Cheboygan/Kiwanis Park, as well as temporary access to the park along Smith’s Creek to perform the work. The park will remain open during construction.

Public input is being sought to help recognize and address any concerns that may result from any recreational impacts on the adjacent Welcome to Cheboygan/Kiwanis Park during construction per a proposed de minimis impact finding under Section 4(f) of U.S. Department of Transportation Act of 1966.

Please submit public comments by June 13, 2024, using the online comment form or by mail, e-mail or phone to MDOT Public Involvement Specialist and Hearings Officer Monica Monsma at or:

Monica Monsma
MDOT Environmental Services Section
425 West Ottawa St. 
P.O. Box 30050 
Lansing, MI 48909 


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