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Overview & Requirements


Just about any group of at least three people. It's a great opportunity for all types of organizations, including scout troops, church groups, activity and teen groups, small and large businesses, clubs, service organizations and senior citizen groups.

Crew members must be a minimum of 12 years old. Children between the ages of 12 to 17 must have adult supervision at a ratio of one adult for every three children.

Participation Requirements

Your time and effort. It's that easy!

Participants are asked to pick up litter three times a year from the highway roadsides in their designated area. The goal of the program is to clean the roadsides before mowing cycles and tourism periods (April through October). Designated pick-up dates and times will be determined by MDOT at the beginning of each year to facilitate and schedule pickup of bagged trash.

No Fee Required to Participate

There is no fee required to participate in the Adopt-A-Highway program.
Groups will need to provide their own transportation to the adoption site. MDOT will provide bags for litter and pickup of filled bags. MDOT will supply safety vests for each member upon acceptance in the program.  Bags, vests and safety materials can be picked up at supply locations throughout the state.


Besides the sense of pride your group will feel enhancing the appearance of your community, the name of your group will be identified on Adopt-A-Highway signs to be displayed near your roadside area. In addition, your group will receive a certificate of participation to display in your lobby or business.

Road Assignments

Requests for specific roadside areas will be handled on a first-come, first-serve basis between you and a local MDOT region coordinator. All attempts will be made to match you with your first choice, or a segment that is closest to your community.

Safety Information

All Adopt-A-Highway participants are required to conduct a safety meeting before each pickup and are required to wear an MDOT-provided safety vest while working along the roadside.

Once your group is issued an Adopt-A-Highway permit, MDOT will provide additional safety information, including rules and a DVD.

Join the AAH Team

  1. Check with your AAH coordinator about location availability prior to sending in your application. Your coordinator will provide information on where to send the application.
  2. Complete an Adopt-A-Highway application form.
  3. Keep one copy for yourself.

If the area you select is available, please allow approximately four weeks to receive notice from the region office about your adopted area, safety materials, and specific pick-up times and dates.