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Featured highway program projects

The following are select highway projects in this year’s 5YTP that are contributing to MDOT’s focus on equity and inclusion, transportation resiliency, and Complete Streets and multimodal accommodations. More information on these projects can be found through the links provided.

Featured projects by focus area

Transportation equity and inclusion

Transportation equity updates

Work activity:

Location: Statewide

Project description: Consistent with MDOT’s updated mission, transportation equity maximizes and leverages resources, partnerships and investments to connect people and communities with economic and social opportunities Moreover, a focus on transportation equity expands on the principles of environmental justice (EJ) and can ensure that everyone can benefit from the state transportation system. Chief amongst these benefits is equitable access to essential destinations, such as jobs, health care, education and childcare, housing, and healthy food. MDOT is developing methods of measuring access in partnership with peer agencies, national research efforts, and local partners to mitigate or eliminate disproportionate burdens on different groups and across geographic areas. Specifically, populations with transportation disadvantages (statewide) include:

  • Households without vehicles; approximately 7 percent1
  • People over 64; approximately 19 percent2
  • People with disabilities; approximately 14 percent3
  • Linguistic isolation (limited English proficiency); approximately 34 percent speak English less than “very well”1
  • Single-parent households; approximately 25 percent1

How MDOT prioritizes which burdens to address to ensure transportation equity will shift over time with feedback from the public and other key parties. Detailed information and progress on environmental justice and transportation equity efforts are available on MDOT's Title VI page.

1 American Community Survey Five-Year Estimates, Michigan (2018-2022)
2 U.S. Census Bureau Population and Housing Unit Estimates, Michigan (2022)
3 American Community Survey Supplemental Estimates, Michigan (2022)

Transportation resiliency

Electric vehicle infrastructure deployment

Work activity:

Location: Statewide 

Project description: With aid from the federal National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program, MDOT has developed the Michigan State Plan for electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure deployment to strategically invest $110 million through 2026 to identify Michigan’s current and future charging needs and priorities for equitably directing and maximizing investment, and the risks, challenges and requirements for widespread EV adoption. Specific outcomes of the plan include:

  • Installation of four 150-kilowatt-or-greater chargers at intervals of 50 miles or less along NEVI Formula the state’s designated alternative fuel corridors (AFCs).
  • Deployment of at least 184 direct current fast chargers across 46 sites to achieve a fully built-out AFC network by 2030.
National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program

Complete Streets/Mobility

Grandview Parkway from Division Street to Garfield Avenue and Bay Shore Drive to Cherry Bend Road

Work activity:

Location: Traverse City, North Region

Project description: In 2025, MDOT will be rebuilding a 2.2-mile section of M-72 (Grandview Parkway) from Division Street to Garfield Avenue in Traverse City and M-22 (Bay Shore Drive) to Cherry Bend Road in Elmwood Township. The $19 million project includes removing the concrete and composite (asphalt over concrete) pavements to restore the surface condition and improve ride quality.

M-72/M-22 rebuilding project - Grand Traverse County