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I-94 operations study from Ann Arbor-Saline Rd to US-23

I-94 between Ann Arbor-Saline Road and US-23 is a heavily used commuter and freight corridor of regional and national significance. Within this segment, I-94 is a four-lane freeway and widens to a six-lane freeway to the east of US-23 and to the west beyond M-14. Traffic operations and safety conditions along the I-94 corridor between M-14 and US-23 prompted a preliminary internal analysis by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) in 2016 to identify concepts for operational improvements. From that analysis, the section between Ann Arbor-Saline Road and US-23 was identified to have critical operational needs. MDOT analyzed an additional third travel lane in each direction, auxiliary lanes between interchanges, and a collector-distributor roadway at the US-23 system interchange. Issues identified with adding a third travel lane include ROW constraints that would likely require lane widths and shoulders narrower than current standards.

Subsequently, MDOT commissioned this study to provide a detailed review and enhanced analysis of the corridor improvements previously identified, as well as identify additional concepts to be analyzed and vetted through a public engagement process. This study’s analysis included an in-depth review of geometrics, safety performance, traffic operations, and planning level construction cost estimates to identify preferred concepts that will be cost effective and improve mobility, reliability, and safety along the corridor.

The initial study area from MDOT’s 2016 study included I-94 from the Zeeb Road interchange to the US-12interchange (Exit 181). The findings of this study indicated adequate capacity and operations west of the Ann Arbor Saline Road interchange with forecasted traffic demand 20 years into the future. As a result, the study area for this more detailed study was truncated from immediately west of the Ann Arbor-Saline Road interchange to west of theUS-12 interchange (Exit 181) and includes the service interchanges at Ann Arbor-Saline Road and State Street, and the system interchange at US-23.

I-94 operations study: Ann Arbor - Saline Road to US-23