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I-94 over Pipestone Road Interchange

The two I-94 bridges over Pipestone Road in Benton Township, Berrien County, are expected to be improved or replaced in 2019 or later. The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) has begun a feasibility study for improving bridge conditions and interchange traffic operations. The study contains bridge inspection, traffic operations, bridge design, road design, environmental resources, and public involvement components.

Stakeholder input is important for identifying local priorities and key issues to address in future work. MDOT encourages your involvement in the process of developing illustrative alternatives that will be presented to the public for comments. Share your experiences and observations related to the safe and efficient operation of this interchange.

Questions or comments?
Contact Kyle Rudlaff, Project Manager, at 269-849-2347.


Public Meeting Preferred Alternative I-94 at Pipestone Road

Public Meeting Preferred Alternative I-94 at Pipestone Road - Color Coded

Stakeholder Meeting 3 

Stakeholder Meeting 2

Stakeholder Meeting 1

Public Meeting 1 Presentation

Public Meeting 1 Presentation Boards