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Planning & development

A pilot in a small yellow and red plane waiting to take off.
Department of Transportation

Planning & development

We are dedicated to encouraging, fostering, and participating with political subdivisions to provide a balanced, safe system of airports which enhance air transportation and the commerce of the state by implementing the State Airport Systems Plan, including the preservation of the existing system and expansion to meet aviation demands.

The Planning and Development Section has project management responsibilities for state and federal grant-funded projects at Michigan's public-use airports. Staff provide project support relative to airport master planning, environmental review, airspace review, tall structure permitting, zoning assistance, and real estate project management, as well as oversight and assistance with Disadvantaged Business Enterprises at Michigan airports. 

Michigan Aviation System Plan (MASP)

Photo of an airplane wing.

The MASP represents a unique and valuable asset management tool for anyone involved in state airport system planning and airport capital development. It documents the planning process that identifies the aviation role of public-use airports in Michigan through the year 2035.