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MDOT public open house Jan. 24 to discuss Blue Water Bridge Plaza improvements in Port Huron

PORT HURON, Mich. - The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is hosting a public open house to discuss the planned improvements for the Blue Water Bridge Plaza expansion in Port Huron.

Interested residents
Community leaders
Local businesses
MDOT staff and consultants  

Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2023
1-7 p.m.

MDOT Blue Water Bridge Annex
2127 11th Avenue
Port Huron, MI 48060

Accommodations can be made for persons who require mobility, visual, hearing, written, or other assistance for participation. Large print materials, auxiliary aids or the services of interpreters, signers, or readers are available upon request. Please contact Orlando Curry at 517-241-7462 or complete Form 2658 for American Sign Language (ASL) located on the Title VI webpage: Requests should be made at least five days prior to the meeting date. Reasonable efforts will be made to provide the requested accommodation or an effective alternative, but accommodations may not be guaranteed.

Project information:
MDOT is currently reviewing results from a feasibility study to address federal requirements for Customs Border Protection (CBP). This public open house will provide an opportunity for impacted residents to learn about the study findings, next steps, and a preliminary schedule for planned construction.

Several informational stations and staff will be available to answer questions. Stop in any time from 1 to 7 p.m. to learn more about this crucial project. A recorded presentation will also be available at

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