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MDOT public meetings Sept. 19 and 21 to discuss Woodward Avenue loop project in Oakland County

PONTIAC, Mich. - The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) invites the public to attend two public meetings to discuss a plan to convert The Woodward Loop from a one-way direction into a two-way direction, including intersection modifications and improvements.

Community stakeholders
Local businesses
Interested residents
MDOT staff and contractors       

Monday, Sept. 19, 2022
6 - 8 p.m.

Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2022
6 - 8 p.m.

Monday, Sept. 19, 2022
Prospect Baptist Church
351 Prospect St.
Pontiac, MI 48341

Wednesday, Sept. 21,2022
Bowen Center
52 Bagley St.
Pontiac, MI 48341

Accommodations can be made for persons who require mobility, visual, hearing, written, or other assistance for participation. Large print materials, auxiliary aids or the services of interpreters, signers, or readers are available upon request. Please contact Orlando Curry at 517-241-7462 or complete Form 2658 for American Sign Language (ASL) located on the Title VI webpage: Requests should be made at least five days prior to the meeting date. Reasonable efforts will be made to provide the requested accommodation or an effective alternative, but accommodations may not be guaranteed.

Project information:
The Woodward Loop project is a conversion of the roadway from a one-way direction to a two-way direction using the current pavement that was rebuilt in 2007. Planned work includes intersection modifications and improvements, right-of-way acquisitions, drainage improvements, permanent signs, traffic signal replacements/modifications, sidewalk construction, and a nonmotorized path. Pedestrian safety will be increased by the project via the addition of center pedestrian refuge islands.

M-59 (Huron Street) within the Woodward Loop will be rebuilt as part of this project, along with sidewalk work, permanent signs, and pavement markings.

The project is expected to occur in 2025 and 2026.

Public comment:
MDOT is currently seeking public input on how this project can best serve the community. Comments can be submitted via an online comment form, e-mail, phone, and in person at the public meeting. Submit comments by Oct. 4, 2022.

Monica Monsma
MDOT Environmental Services Section
425 West Ottawa St. 
P.O. Box 30050 
Lansing, MI 48909 

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