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M-55 rebuilding in West Branch finishes early

ALPENA, Mich. - Traffic is again flowing unimpeded on M-55/I-75 Business Loop (BL) in West Branch today as the Michigan Department of Transportation’s (MDOT) $14.3 million rebuilding project wrapped up more than a week early.

After finishing up final pavement markings Wednesday, MDOT fully reopened the roadway, which has been under detour since the spring. This year’s work was scheduled to be completed by Oct. 19.

“The City of West Branch would like to send heartfelt thanks to the MDOT staff and all of the contractors who worked on the downtown road reconstruction project,” said West Branch City Manager John Dantzer. “The project could not have turned out better and will be a source of pride for our community. The newly finished downtown will help make the city more inviting to tourists while enhancing the lives of our residents and business owners.”

The project included rebuilding the roadway from west of M-30 to east of Fairview Street in the city of West Branch, as well as reconfiguring the four- and five-lane sections of the roadway to three lanes; installing new curbs, gutter, and sidewalk ramps; installing new watermain and storm sewer lines; building a new shared-use path; and installing new signs and traffic signals.

The project began in August 2023 with work on M-55 between Margaret Street and M-30, as well as detour route paving and underground utility replacement, before pausing for the winter and resuming this spring.

Based on economic modeling, this investment was expected to directly and indirectly support 203 jobs.

A view of M-55/I-75 BL following completion of MDOT’s rebuilding project through the West Branch downtown area.

A view of M-55/I-75 BL following completion of MDOT’s rebuilding project through the West Branch downtown area. 

State Transportation Director Brad Wieferich and MDOT employees were invited to take part in a ribbon cutting and reception Sept. 25 for the near-completion of the M-55/I-75 BL project in West Branch, which the Chamber of Commerce had dubbed the Extreme Makeover: West Branch Edition

State Transportation Director Brad Wieferich and MDOT employees were invited to take part in a ribbon cutting and reception Sept. 25 for the near-completion of the M-55/I-75 BL project in West Branch, which the Chamber of Commerce had dubbed the Extreme Makeover: West Branch Edition.

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