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Revenues, investment strategies & economic impacts

Funding assumptions

This section provides information on MDOT’s funding estimates and projections for the multimodal Highway Program as well as the Public Transportation and Aeronautics programs.

Investment strategies

The 5YTP presents MDOT’s planned investments in all modes across the trunkline system over the five-year period spanning from 2025 to 2029 of approximately $15.3 billion. A total of $10.6 billion will be invested in the Highway Program with a continued focus on preservation, repair, and maintaining operations. Over these five years, an estimated $1 billion will be invested in the Aeronautics Program and $3.6 billion in the Public Transportation Program, including bus, rail, marine, and public transit programs.

Economic impacts

The economic benefits of the FY 2025 – FY 2029 Highway & Bridge Program have been evaluated using the Transportation Economic Development Impact System (TREDIS). TREDIS is specifically designed for transportation-related economic analysis, making it uniquely suited to assessing the impacts of projects like the Highway & Bridge Program.

The TREDIS model considers the broad economic landscape but places particular emphasis on factors critical to transportation projects. Its assessments, in this case, are based on employment projections from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and economic outlook data for the U.S. and Michigan, sourced from the Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics (RSQE) at the University of Michigan.

Download the list of definitions that correspond to the EBA.