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Early Interventionist - Tools for Improvement

Michigan Department of Education – Low Incidence Outreach (MDE-LIO)

MDE-LIO provides consultation, training, and resources to families and educational teams serving students who are Blind or Visually Impaired (BVI) and/or Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH).

MDE-LIO's vision is to ensure equal access to a quality education for all students who are BVI and/or DHH. Home Page | MDE-LIO (

Early Intervention: The Parent Perspective

Michigan Hands and Voices provides a parent’s wish list for Early Interventionists.

A Parent's Wish List for Early Interventionists

Guidelines for Newborn Hearing Services

Guidelines were created for newborn hearing services for the Michigan’s Early Hearing Detection and Intervention System. The purpose of the guidelines is to provide direction and consistency in the standard of care for Michigan’s newborns.

Guidelines for Newborn Hearing Services MDCH 1132 

Service Coordination Practice Guide for Children Aged 0 to 3: Hearing Loss

This document provides balanced but condensed information on topics such as hearing loss, communication options, resources, service coordinator responsibilities, and family support, to assist a service coordinator in helping a family whose child with hearing loss is enrolled in Early On®.

Service Coordination Practice Guide for Children aged 0-3 with hearing loss