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Informed Consent for Abortion - Providers

UPDATE (as of 6/26/2024): Based on a recent state court ruling, certain requirements under MCL 333.17015 are temporarily suspended. Therefore, PATIENTS ARE NOT CURRENTLY REQUIRED TO RECEIVE, VIEW, OR COMPLETE ANY WRITTEN MATERIALS DEVELOPED BY MDHHS BEFORE RECEIVING ABORTION SERVICES. As relates to both providers and patients, those materials have been temporarily removed from the website.  Until further notice, providers must still perform a "coercion to abort screening" under MCL 333.17015a by using the Screening Tool and Protocol; this screening may be performed at any time with no mandatory waiting periods.

Michigan statutory law currently requires a physician, or a qualified person assisting the physician, to orally screen a patient for "coercion to abort" when the patient first presents for abortion services.  The following materials were developed as resources to help providers comply with the current statutory law: