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Flint Water Settlement

Flint Water Settlement Update and Information 

On March 3, 2022, Judge Judith E. Levy of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan granted final approval of a partial settlement for eligible adults and minors exposed to contaminated water, property owners, and business owners during time periods specified in the settlement. 

The deadline for submitting the claims forms and supporting documentation claim was June 30, 2022. 

Tens of thousands of claims submitted are currently being reviewed and processed.  You (or your lawyer if you have one) will receive a letter from the Claims Administrator explaining the status of your claim.  You will be notified of next steps and any applicable deadlines for those next steps.  You must take the necessary actions within the timeframe set forth in this letter.  These letters will not go out to everyone in the settlement at the same time.  You may be getting your letter on a different date than your other family members or neighbors.  That is expected.    

In some circumstances, you may be contacted by a court-appointed lawyer to open a probate estate (if a claimant has died) or to petition the court for a Next Friend on behalf of a minor child.  These matters will be handled on an individual basis as the need arises. 

For further information, visit the official Flint Water Settlement website,  There is a “Frequently Asked Questions” or “FAQ” page You may also call the Archer Systems help line at (800) 493-1754 for assistance. Hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:00 AM EST through 5:00 PM EST, Tuesday, and Thursday from :00 AM EST through 7:00 PM EST, and Saturdays from 8:00 AM EST until 5:00 PM EST. 

If your contact information (email, street address, phone number) has changed since you registered for the settlement or submitted your claim, you must promptly report all changes to Archer Systems at or 1-800-493-1754, or to your attorney.

Previous Flint Water Settlement Updates #1

Previous Flint Water Settlement Updates #2

Overview of Decedent Processes