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Bureau of Audit

The Bureau of Audit resides within the Financial Operations Administration.  The Bureau serves as the liaison to external audit organizations and coordinates the official departmental response to findings identified through external audits.  The Bureau also conducts external fiscal reviews of provider agencies funded by the Department, performs various subrecipient monitoring activities for the Department, and completes the biennial internal control evaluation for the Department. "

Audit Reporting

How To Report

PIHP CMHSP subrecipient reporting

Audit Reporting

MDHHS contracts with provider agencies requiring that providers submit various audit reports, examination reports, or audit exemption notices to MDHHS. The requirements vary depending on the type of provider, the type of contract, and the amount and type of funding. Refer to your contract for the specific requirement for your situation.

Audit Requirements

Pursuant to 2 CFR 200 and contracts, providers must submit to MDHHS either a Single Audit, Financial Related Audit, Financial Statement Audit, or Audit Exemption Notice within nine months after the end of the provider’s fiscal year.

Management Decision

MDHHS will issue a management decision on findings and questioned costs contained in the provider’s Single Audit report within six months after the receipt of a complete and final report, and a PIHP/CMHSP Compliance Examination Report within eight months after the receipt of a complete and final report.

Long Term Care Audit

Long Term Care Audit

Long Term Care Audit