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Developmental Delays - Early On

Addressing a Child's Developmental Delays - Early On

Early On® Michigan offers early intervention services for infants and toddlers, birth to three years of age, with developmental delays and/or disabilities, and their families.

If you think your infant or toddler may have a developmental delay, contact Early On at 1-800-Early-On or visit to learn more.

More About MDHHS and the Early On® Program

If Your Child Was Referred by DHS

If your child has experienced a traumatic situation or event, or has been identified with a medical or developmental diagnosis, MDHHS is required by federal law to make a referral to the Early On program. Our goal is to make sure your child is assessed for any possible developmental delays.

Participation in the program is voluntary, but encouraged for the wellbeing of your child.

Once a referral has been made, an Early On coordinator will contact you. The two of you will decide on a time and place to discuss services. You will work together as a team to support your child and family.

Other Resources

Building Up Michigan Kids

Services for Children ages 3 to 5.

Michigan Alliance for Families

Support for families who have children who receive special education services.

MI Dept. of Education Office of Special Education

Services for Children ages birth to 26. 1-888-320-8384