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Boards and Commissions

Boards and Commissions

The Division of Victim Services (DVS) houses and provides staffing support to four governor-appointed Boards and Commissions. Each of these have specific legislatively created duties and responsibilities on a broad range of topics such as policy recommendations, funding recommendations, standards, public awareness, and case review. Click below to learn more about Board/Commission duties (found in their respective enabling legislation), meeting schedules, and minutes.

Michigan Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention and Treatment Board

A seven-member, governor-appointed board legislatively tasked to advise the legislature and the governor on issues related to domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
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Crime Victim Services Commission

A five-member, governor-appointed commission that oversees crime victim compensation in the state of Michigan. CVSC has two programs that serve and support crime victims, including victim rights and crime victim compensation.
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Human Trafficking Health Advisory Board

A nine-member board comprised of health and mental health professionals, human trafficking survivors, and prevention experts who are charged with reviewing community and legislative issues involving medical and mental health services for survivors of human trafficking.
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Sexual Assault Evidence Kit Tracking and Reporting Commission

A fifteen-member commission tasked with developing plans, guidelines, and legislative recommendations for a uniform statewide system to track the submissions, status of, and audit Sexual Assault Evidence Kits. 
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