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Michigan Maternal Mortality Surveillance (MMMS) Program - Information for the Public

Information for the Public

Sadly, there are about 80 maternal deaths each year in Michigan. This means that about 80 women die each year during pregnancy or within one year after pregnancy. Losing a mother is a tragedy for her family and community. It is important to figure out why mothers die so that these deaths can be avoided in the future.

The Michigan Maternal Mortality Surveillance (MMMS) Program identifies all maternal deaths that take place in our state. Then, a group of doctors, nurses, public health professionals, universities, and nonprofit organizations come together to study these deaths. These individuals work as a team to figure out the causes of maternal death and come up with recommendations to prevent future deaths.

The main goals of the program are to achieve healthier pregnancies for women of all backgrounds and to decrease the number of maternal deaths in Michigan.

MMMS Program Overview:

Description of the Maternal Mortality Review Process for the Public

Many maternal deaths are preventable.
For preventative resources, please visit our MMMS Resources Page or


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