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Free or Low Cost Primary Care from a Doctor or Nurse

Community Health Centers:
Health centers are community-based and patient-directed organizations that deliver comprehensive, culturally competent, high-quality primary health care services. Find a community health center near you.

Free Clinics:
Free clinics use volunteer health care providers to give free or low-cost care to people without insurance. Find more information on free clinics.

Health Care for the Homeless:
Health care for the homeless clinics serve the health care needs of homeless people. Find a clinic for the homeless near you.

Note: Homeless veterans can find health care at a Veterans Health Administration facility. Find a clinic for veterans near you.

Indian Health Services:
Indian Health Service and tribally administered clinics provide health care services to Native Americans. Find an Indian Health Services clinic near you.

Rural Health Clinics:
Rural health clinics are located in rural areas and often serve Medicare and Medicaid patients. Find a rural health clinic near you. (Please note: You will need to search by state using "Michigan" to see the rural health clinics in our state.)


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