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Rapid Response Initiative

The Coronavirus Task Force on Racial Disparities is soliciting applications to fund initiatives that will respond to community needs associated with the disparate impacts the virus has had on communities of color.

DUE DATE: Monday, August 24, 2020 by 5 pm


  1. Projects that apply a health equity lens to serve African Americans, other racial/ethnic minorities, and marginalized populations.
  2. Community-driven responses that fill service gaps or meet tangible needs.
  3. Projects that are “shovel ready” meaning all funds can be expended and deliverables completed by year end (December 30, 2020).
  4. Efforts that will elevate and document promising practices that can be scaled in other communities.


OVERVIEW: Review the overview document for details on the Rapids Response Initiative

SUBMISSION: The Rapid Response Initiative application must be submitted electronically to

NOTE: Nomination by a Task Force Member may be included but is not required



  1. Only applications meeting the program requirements are eligible to receive funding through the grant program.  An application will be evaluated based on the “special initiative foci” listed above.
  2. A committee will review, evaluate and score the applications against the program requirements.
  3. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services reserves the right to establish the criteria by which it will evaluate each applicant’s response, and by which it will determine the most responsive, capable, and qualified applicants.


AWARD RECOMMENDATIONS are expected to be made by September 1, 2020.

FINAL AWARDS & FUNDING decisions are subject to State Budget Office Review and Approval.

IMPLEMENTATION time period is estimated between Mid-September – December 30, 2020.


See the Coronavirus Relief Fund Guidance for additional details on eligible and ineligible expenditures.