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Trainee Expectations

The Office of Workforce Development and Training (OWDT) is committed to providing trainees with an optimal learning environment and to meet that goal, has outlined the following procedures and expectations of all trainees while in training.


1. Registration for classes will close one week prior to the start of training. Registration must occur through the designated Learning Management System (LMS).

2. Trainees must bring their training confirmation to class. Staff who arrive and are not registered, may be sent back to their office.

3. Trainees who are unable to attend a training session for which they are registered must formally cancel their registration within the designated Learning Management System.

4. Trainees must sign-in on the sheet in the training room to receive credit for attending (when attending face to face training).

5. When individuals who are registered for new worker training do not show up for class, the trainer will notify the trainee's supervisor listed on the sign in sheet.

6. Trainees are required to complete pre- and post-class assignments or "field activities." These assignments will only be given when they will assist the trainee in achieving learning objectives. For some classes, failure to complete these assignments may result in the trainee not passing the class.

7. Trainees are required to have their state ID or photo identification available when reporting to the training site. Trainees may be expected to sign in at a security desk.

8. Appropriate office attire must be worn; employees will be expected to dress in business casual unless otherwise instructed. 

9. Trainees are required to arrive on time in the morning, following breaks and following lunch. Incidents of tardiness will first be addressed directly with the trainee. In cases of excessive tardiness, the supervisor will be contacted.

10. Any absence requires supervisory approval; training staff cannot approve time or attendance. The supervisor must communicate to the trainer that the person is excused from training.

11. If a trainee is late or absent and misses content, it must be made up. The trainer will work with the trainee and their supervisor to make these arrangements. This may require a trainee to arrive prior to normal class time or stay after normal class time. If content cannot be reasonably made up, the trainee may be asked to re-enroll in a future training session to receive credit or meet requirements for any mandatory training.

12. The trainer will communicate the rules of the facility at the beginning of training. Trainees are required to comply with the rules of the facility where training is being conducted.

13. Trainees are required to be considerate of others’ right to an environment that is conducive to learning. Trainers may remove a trainee from class who is disrespectful or otherwise disruptive. If this happens, the trainer will speak to the trainee in private. If the behavior continues, the supervisor will be contacted. If a trainee is asked to return to their work site at any point during the training, the supervisor will be contacted to explain why the trainee is returning to work.

14. Cell phones may not be used in class and must be turned off or set to silent. The trainee must leave the room to take any urgent calls. Trainees should inform trainers if they are expecting to be contacted for any reason. Other use of the cell phone, such as texting, playing games or browsing the internet is not permitted in the classroom while class is in session.

15. While class is in session, trainees may only use the computer for trainer-directed activities. State of Michigan acceptable use policies must be followed by all trainees when using state equipment, including computers.

16. Trainers will help trainees comply with these rules. MDHHS trainees are also responsible for complying with Civil Service Rules and the Employee Handbook while in training.

17. Trainees are required to fully participate in training and should have a plan in place to ensure that workload responsibilities are sufficiently covered for the duration of the training session.

18. Supervisors must avoid pre-approving sick or annual leave for trainees during a scheduled training session.

19. Supervisors must inform trainees about travel regulations prior to training.

20. Trainees are expected to be active participants in their own learning. This includes asking questions to clarify concepts, employing resources provided in training, and following up with recommended self-study, job aids, and learning activities.

21. If training is taking place virtually, please be prepared to turn your cameras on during class. Make sure that you are positioned in a well-lit area, free from distractions.  If using background effects, please make sure that you are using the background settings within Microsoft Teams.


Failure to adhere to the requirements above could result in loss of credit, termination of training for the trainee accompanied by a return to the local office, and/or progressive discipline through the sending office or agency.