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Hometown Health Heroes

Michigan Public Health Week Partnership

The responsibility of public health is to protect and promote the health of communities through education, policy, and assessment. Making communities safe and healthy is public health's top priority. Everyone can make communities healthier, safer, and better for all.

The Michigan Public Health Week Partnership has adopted the National Public Health Week theme of “Protecting, Connecting and Thriving: We Are All Public Health” as the theme for Public Health Week in Michigan. As the American Public Health Association notes, “Public health is more than just health care. It's the steps we take to make sure our neighborhoods and environment are free from pollution. It's making sure our food and water are safe to eat and drink.

It's also the relationships we foster in our communities. We're all interconnected. When we all come together to support public health, all of us — individuals, families, communities, and the public health field — can achieve the goals of public health.” ( National Public Health Week is sponsored by the American Public Health Association.

This year (2024) marks the twentieth anniversary of the Hometown Health Hero award. This award has been presented to individuals and/or organizations that have made significant and measurable contributions to preserve and improve their community's health. Awardees are selected solely from nominations received. The only way for someone to receive this award is to be nominated. If you know a person or organization that deserves recognition as a Hometown Health Hero for their efforts to improve the health of their community, submit a nomination by using the link below.

Hometown Health Hero Award Nomination Form

To see past year's Michigan Hometown Health Heroes Health Policy Champions, see below:

Hometown Health Heroes and Health Policy Champions  


The Michigan Public Health Week Partnership consists of the following organizations:

  • Eastern Michigan University Master of Public Health Education,
  • Grand Valley State University Master of Public Health Program,
  • Michigan Association of Counties,
  • Michigan Association for Local Public Health,
  • Michigan Association of Medical Examiners,
  • Michigan Health & Hospital Association,
  • Michigan Public Health Association,
  • The Michigan Public Health Institute,
  • Michigan State University Charles Stewart Mott Department of Public Health,
  • The University of Michigan School of Public Health,
  • Wayne State University College of Human Medicine Family Medicine program,
  • and Michigan Department of Health and Human Services