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Michigan Primary Care Needs Assessment

As part of the State Primary Care Offices (PCO) Cooperative Agreement managed by the federal agency of Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) coordinates the designation of Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSA) and Medically Underserved Areas/Populations (MUA/P) in the state. MDHHS submits applications to the federal government to designate geographic areas, population groups, and health care facilities within Michigan that are experiencing a shortage of providers or lack of access to primary care services. There are three main goals of the PCO cooperative agreement: Conduct a Statewide Primary Care Needs Assessment (PCNA), Provide Technical Assistance and Collaboration, and Shortage Designation Coordination. The Michigan PCO facilitates the coordination of activities that assess the need for primary care services and providers, promote the recruitment and retention of health care providers to fulfill identified needs, and consequently reduce health workforce shortages and barriers to health care to meet the needs of underserved populations in the state.

MDHHS conducted the federally required needs assessment, which does a county-level analysis of health outcomes and social determinants of health (SDOH) needs across the state. This statewide PCNA presents a comprehensive and informative view of Michigan's vulnerable populations, unmet health care needs, health disparities, and health workforce issues in the state. It also provides a statewide overview of Michigan as well as highlighting certain areas, counties, and cities with areas of concern, workforce shortages, and barriers to access health care. This PCNA is intended to support PCO priorities and efforts to strengthen primary care in the state and to serve as a source of reliable and accurate information for our community and stakeholders to improve accessibility of primary care resources, particularly for underserved and vulnerable populations in Michigan.

2020 Michigan Primary Care Needs Assessment (PCNA)
Appendix A - 2020 Michigan PCNA Data Sources and Key Measures Description
Appendix B - 2020 Michigan PCNA Rankings by County and Category


One-Page PCNA Data Profiles 

One-page data profiles were created for the state and Michigan’s 83 counties by the overall ranking. 

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