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Where are Michigan's Designated Shortage Areas?

Maps of Michigan's Designated Health Professional Shortage Areas: 
The maps below show all Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) designations listed with a designation status of "Designated" according to the federal government. For many federal programs, eligibility is based on a HPSA designation. Some state and federal programs vary in their designation requirements and some of those variances are described under the major headings below.

Statewide Map of Primary Medical Care HPSAs 

Statewide Map of Dental HPSAs 

Statewide Map of Mental Health Care HPSAs

Map of Michigan's Designated Medically Underserved Areas and Populations:
Medically Underserved Area and Population (MUA/P) designations are distinct from Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) designations. MUA/P designations are used in determining eligibility for the Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) program among others. Below is a map of current MUA/P designations in Michigan.

Statewide Map of MUA/Ps

Find Out if a Specific Address is in a Designated HPSA or MUA/P
The federal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has made a site available that allows you to determine what designations might apply to a specific address. Click here to find out if an address is located in a HPSA or MUA/P.