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2012 Medicaid Policy Bulletins
Policy Bulletins
This page contains policy bulletins issued in 2012.
For other years of approved Medicaid policy bulletins, click here.
For Notices of Proposed Policy, click here.
For Provider "L" Letters, click here. (Provider "L" letters do not represent promulgated policy and are provided to communicate new developments, information, policy clarifications, etc.)
Archived Proposed Medicaid Policy Distributed for Public Comment and Consultation Summaries
Archived proposed Medicaid policy distributed for public comment and consultation summaries are available electronically upon request. If you would like to view historical versions of proposed Medicaid policy that were released for public comment or you would like to obtain a consultation summary of any bulletin, e-mail with your request. Please identify the project number of the proposed Medicaid policy or consultation summary if known. If this information is unknown, reference the month, year, and subject of the bulletin or the consultation summary in your request. The documents will be e-mailed to you.
NOTE: Comments will not be accepted for proposed Medicaid policy after the public comment period has closed.
Issue Date | Bulletin Number |
Subject |
December 28, 2012 | MSA 12-70 | Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Code Updates |
December 28, 2012 | MSA 12-69 | Post-Payment Review Hospital Audit Contract |
December 28, 2012 | MSA 12-64 | Maternal Infant Health Program (MIHP) Transportation |
December 1, 2012 | MSA 12-68 | Sanctioned Provider Update |
December 1, 2012 | MSA 12-67 | Updates to the Medicaid Provider Manual; ICD-10 Update |
December 1, 2012 | MSA 12-66 | Physician Primary Care Rate Increase |
December 1, 2012 | MSA 12-65 | Claim Predictive Modeling |
December 1, 2012 | MSA 12-63 | Sanctioned Provider Notification Process |
December 1, 2012 | MSA 12-62 | Outpatient Prospective Payment System and Ambulatory Surgical Center Reduction Factor |
December 1, 2012 | MSA 12-61 | DRG Grouper Update; DRG Rate Update, Per Diem Rate Update, Conversion from Date of Admission Driven Coding and Reimbursement to Date of Discharge |
December 1, 2012 | MSA 12-60 | Nursing Facility Reimbursement for Extended Period Cost Reports |
December 1, 2012 | MSA 12-59 | Elective Delivery Prior to 39 Weeks Completed Gestation |
December 1, 2012 | MSA 12-58 | Elimination of Maximum Daily Dollar Limits for Laboratory Services. |
December 1, 2012 | MSA 12-57 | Borderland Nursing Facilities Serving Michigan Medicaid Beneficiaries |
November 1, 2012 | MSA 12-56 | Sanctioned Providers Update |
November 1, 2012 | MSA 12-55 | Medicaid Provider Screening/Enrollment and Program Integrity |
November 1, 2012 | MSA 12-54 | Full Cost Reimbursement for Medicaid Health Plan Encounters |
November 1, 2012 | MSA 12-53 | Mobility Standards of Coverage Changes and Revised Evaluation and Medical Justification for Complex Seating and Mobility Devices Form (MSA-1656), New Complex Seating and Mobility Device Prior Authorization Form (MSA-1653-D), Updated Hospital Discharge Waiver Policy |
November 1, 2012 | MSA 12-52 | Prospective Payment per Visit Rate Setting Methodology |
November 1, 2012 | MSA 12-51 | Medicaid Liability |
October 1, 2012 | MSA 12-50 | Sanctioned Providers Update |
October 1, 2012 | MSA 12-49 | Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Process |
October 1, 2012 | MSA 12-48 | Prior Authorization Requirements for Fixed Wing Air Ambulance Transports |
October 1, 2012 | MSA 12-47 | Optometrist Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program Participation |
August 31, 2012 | MSA 12-46 | Enrollment of Children's Special Health Care Services (CSHCS)/Medicaid (MA) Beneficiaries into Medicaid Health Plans (MHP), MHP Exclusion of Beneficiaries Authorized for Private Duty Nursing (PDN), CSHCS Program Updates |
August 31, 2012 | MSA 12-45 | Sanctioned Providers Update |
August 31, 2012 | MSA 12-44 |
Enrollment of Urgent Care Centers |
August 31, 2012 | MSA 12-43 | Updates to the Medicaid Provider Manual; Change in MIHP Mileage Reimbursement; HCPCS Code Update; ICD-10 Project Update |
August 31, 2012 | MSA 12-42 | Medicaid Enrollment of Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners |
August 31, 2012 | MSA 12-41 | Healthy Kids Dental Contract Expansion |
August 31, 2012 | MSA 12-40 | Michigan National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) Update |
August 31, 2012 | MSA 12-39 | Primary Specialty Designation by Physicians |
August 31, 2012 | MSA 12-38 | Reinstatement of Vision Services for Medicaid Beneficiaries Age 21 Years and Older |
August 31, 2012 | MSA 12-37 | Rate Increase for Obstetrical Services |
August 31, 2012 | MSA 12-36 | Long-Term Care Insurance Policies |
August 15, 2012 | MSA 12-35 | Graduate Medical Education (GME) |
August 1, 2012 | MSA 12-34 | Sanctioned Providers Update |
August 1, 2012 | MSA 12-33 | Penalty for Use of Non-Available Beds for Nursing Facilities |
August 1, 2012 | MSA 12-32 | Removal of Program Specialists from the Random Moment time Study (RMTS) |
August 1, 2012 | MSA 12-31 | Medicaid Cost Report - Non-Allowable Powered Air Flotation Beds & Air Fluidized Beds |
July 1, 2012 | MSA 12-27 | July Sanctioned Provider Update |
June 29, 2012 | MSA 12-26 | Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) reimbursement rates |
June 29, 2012 | MSA 12-29 | July 2012 Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Code Updates |
June 29, 2012 | MSA 12-28 | Telemedicine Rules for Children's Special Health Care Services (CSHCS) |
June 29, 2012 | MSA 12-25 | Out-of-State Hospices and Home Health Agencies |
June 1, 2012 | MSA 12-24 | Sanctioned Provider Update |
June 1, 2012 | MSA 12-23 | Inpatient Hospital Payment Reduction |
June 1, 2012 | MSA 12-22 | Reconciliation of QAS Payments to Nursing Facilities |
June 1, 2012 | MSA 12-21 | July Provider Manual Updates; ICD-10 Information |
June 1, 2012 | MSA 12-20 | Health Insurance Program (HIP) Enrollment |
June 1, 2012 | MSA 12-19 | Expansion of Hospice Face-to-Face Encounter to Allow Services by a Hospice-Employed Physician Assistant (PA) |
June 1, 2012 | MSA 12-18 | Revisions to Mental Health/Substance Abuse Chapter, Section 17.3.N Wraparound Services, and Section 2.3 of the Children's Serious Emotional Disturbance Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Appendix |
June 1, 2012 | MSA 12-16 | Online Oral Health Training for Medical Providers |
May 10, 2012 | MSA 12-17 | Sanctioned Provider Update |
May 1, 2012 | MSA 12-14 | Reinstatement of Chiropractic Services for Medicaid Beneficiaries Age 21 and Older |
May 1, 2012 | MSA 12-13 | Revisions to Dental Radiograph Policy |
April 17, 2012 | MSA 12-12 | Sanctioned Provider Update |
March 30, 2012 | MSA 12-11 | Revisions to Mental Health/Substance Abuse Chapter |
March 30, 2012 | MSA 12-10 | Estate Recovery for Supplemental Security Income Related Medicaid Programs |
March 30, 2012 | MSA 12-09 | Medicaid Eligibility and Divestment Penalties |
March 15, 2012 | MSA 12-08 | Sanctioned Provider Update |
March 1, 2012 | MSA 12-07 |
New Medicaid Fraud Hotline Number |
March 1, 2012 | MSA 12-06 |
Updates to the Medicaid Provider Manual; ICD-10 Coding Implementation |
March 1, 2012 | MSA 12-05 |
Coverage of Cochlear Implants and Auditory Osseointegrated Implants |
February 1, 2012 | MSA 12-03 | Sanctioned Provider Update |
January 31, 2012 | MSA 12-02 | Changes to Outpatient Therapy Service Limitations and Coordination of Services to School-Aged Beneficiaries |
January 30, 2012 | MSA 12-04 | Plan First! Eligibility |
January 19, 2012 | MSA 12-01 | Reporting Medicare on the Medicaid Nursing Facility Claim |