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System Resources and Reports

The Administrative Rules Stroke and STEMI Systems of Care have been filed with the Secretary of State (November) with immediate effect.

The Bureau of Emergency Preparedness, EMS and Systems of Care would like to acknowledge the many partners, stakeholders and content experts who contributed to this important work. Systems of Care (SOC) are designed to provide effective, efficient integrated quality care for trauma, stroke, and STEMI patients. The systems will be operationalized in stages mirroring the successful trauma system building approach.

There are some key foundational pieces that need to be addressed to successfully operationalize an integrated system (data, regional organization, advisory bodies, education, designation). The SOC Section is in the process of Requesting Proposals for a state registry for SOC now, the additional key pieces will be added and built upon. It is not expected that the designation process will be drafted, pilot tested and formalized until later in the development phase.

The Systems of Care Section is working to finalize a projected timeline. Updates about the process, communication about updating contact lists, information related to timelines and opportunities for participation will be posted on the website as it becomes available.

Stroke Rules

White Paper
A Statewide System of Care for Time Sensitive Emergencies The Integration of Stroke and STEMI Care into the Regional Trauma System 

Systems of Care for Time Sensitive Emergencies

2023 Work Project Grants

Final Report