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Q: Who is eligible to apply to change a Michigan birth record?

A: The Vital Records office follows very strict guidelines in determining who can change a birth record. For any request except a legal name change, a change to a registered birth record may be requested by:

  1. The parent(s) named on the record.
  2. A parent not named on the record for the purpose of adding the name to the record.
  3. Legal guardian of the child named on the record.  (Court order required)
  4. The child named on the record, if 18 years of age or older.
  5. An heir to the child named on record, if the child and parents on record are deceased.
  6. Individual or facility administrator responsible for filling out the original certificate.
  7. A legal, licensed representative of any of the individuals listed above. (Must provide information on official letterhead, documenting that he/she represents the person named on the record, and provide their state bar license number, along with client's identification.)

A request for a legal name change (court order to change the individual's name) on a registered birth record may be requested by:

  1. The parent(s) named on the record for a child under 18 years of age.
  2. Legal guardian of the child named on the record.
  3. The child named on the record, if 18 years of age or older.
  4. A legal, licensed representative of any of the individuals listed above.

Q: The father's name on my child's birth certificate is not the actual biological father of the child. How would I remove his name from the Michigan birth record?

A: It is very important to remember that if a father's name is recorded on a birth certificate, it cannot be replaced by another man's name until documentation is provided to take the existing name off.

You must provide:

  1. A completed application to correct a Michigan birth record.
  2. Circuit Court Order that specifically states that the man listed on the birth record is not the father. A divorce judgment can also be provided, however, the judgment must specifically state the husband is not the biological father and must specifically identify the child.

Q: How do I add a father's name to my child's birth certificate if there is no father listed?

A: Provide the documents listed below:

  1. Completed application to add a father  on a Michigan birth record
  2. A court order naming the father

A completed Affidavit of Parentage form
Court determination of paternity
Court determination of heirs

If there was a court determination of parentage, also called a Filiation, the court order is sent to the vital records office and the father is added into the Central Paternity Registry. However, the record cannot be issued until all fees are paid.

Q: The mother recorded on my child's birth record is not correct. How do I change the identity of the mother listed on a birth record? 

A:  Provide the documents listed below:

  1. A completed application to correct a Michigan birth record.
  2. If mother's information was in error in preparation, a worksheet that reflects the correct information from the hospital or attendant


If there was no error in preparation of the birth record a court determination of the facts is needed.

Q: How do I change or correct a child's first or middle name on a Michigan birth record?

A: There are different documentation requirements which are determined by the age of the child.The necessary documentation for all the following situations are listed below:

SPELLING ERROR for a child under the age of six (6): NOTE: Both parents named on the birth record must sign the application.  If only one parent is named on the birth record, that parent is the only one who needs to sign.

  1. Completed application to change a Michigan birth record. No documentation needed.

SPELLING ERROR for a person over the age of six (6):

NOTE: Both parents named on the birth record must sign the application.  If only one parent is named on the birth record, that parent is the only one who needs to sign.  If the child is over 15, the child's signature is also required.  If the applicant is over eighteen the applicant may sign.

  1. Completed application to change a Michigan Birth Record.
  2. One document dated at least five (5) years prior to the date of application indicating the correct spelling of the given name.

NAME CHANGE THAT IS NOT A SPELLING ERROR: NOTE: The parent(s) named on the birth record must sign the application.  If the child is over 15, the child's signature is also required.  If the applicant is over 18, the applicant may sign.


     1. Completed application to change a Michigan birth record. No documentation needed (this only applies to first and middle names. For last name changes, please see below).


     1. A completed application to change a Michigan birth record, signed by the parent(s) listed on the birth record.
2. Two documents to verify that the child has been using the name requested. 

Suggested documents for above changes: 

- Baptism Records 
- Insurance Forms 
- Medical Records 
- Immunization Records 

- Life Insurance Policy


  1. A completed application to change a Michigan birth record.
  2. Two documents to verify that the registrant has been using the name requested. Both documents must show the name that you are trying to change it to.
  • One document must be dated within seven (7) years of the birth.
  • One document that is dated more that 20 years ago or is older than one half of the registrant's age at time of application. 

Suggested documents for above changes (both documents specified in a. and b. are needed):

- Baptism Records
- Insurance Forms
- Medical Records
- Immunization Records
- Military Records
- School Records
- Birth Records of Applicant's Children
- Marriage License
- Life Insurance Policy

Q: How do I change the child's last name on a Michigan birth record?

A:  If the child is under the age of one (1):

  1. A completed application to change a Michigan birth record. 
  2. The parent must get a statement from the hospital that indicates the hospital made an error in reporting the last name.

If child is over the age of one (1) the parent or applicant must submit:

  1. A completed application to change a Michigan birth record.
  2. One document that must be dated prior to the age of one (1).
  3. One document that is dated prior to the age of seven (7).


Suggested documents for above changes (both documents specified in (a) and (b) are needed):

- Baptism Records
- Insurance Forms
- Medical Records 
- Immunization Records 
- Military Records 
- School Records
- Birth Records of Applicant's Children
- Marriage License
- Life Insurance Policy


  1. A completed application to change a Michigan birth record. 
  2. And ONE (1) of the following documents:

- Marriage license, if the parents marry after the child's birth
- An Affidavit of Parentage is filed and accepted 
- Court Order of Filiation, submitted to the vital records office by the court 
- Adoption Order, submitted to the vital records by the court 
- U.S. naturalization documentation regarding parents' name change 
- Surrogacy documentation
- Other court orders that specify that the surname shall be changed 
- Court ordered Legal Name Change

Q: I have discovered that the sex stated on my birth certificate is incorrect. How do I change the sex on a Michigan birth record that was recorded incorrectly at time of birth?

A:  If the sex was incorrect due to an error by the hospital or attendant, you must provide:

  1. A completed  application to change a Michigan birth record.
  2. One document dated at the time of birth showing the correct information
  3. OR a document dated at least five (5) years prior to the date of application showing the correct information.


Suggested documents for above changes:

- Baptism Records
- Insurance Forms
- Medical Records 
- Immunization Records 
- Military Records 
- School Records
- Birth Records of Applicant's Children
- Marriage License
- Life Insurance Policy

If the recorded sex needs to be changed because of sexual ambiguity at birth, as documented by the medical record, the original birth registration or the attendant at the birth of the child:

A completed application to change a Michigan Birth Record.

  1. A notarized letter from a physician, stating the circumstances of the determination of sex. The physician must clearly state the findings of the resulting determination.

Q: How do I change the sex designation on my Michigan birth record to accurately reflect my identity?

A: You will need to provide:

  1. A completed application to change a Michigan birth record.
  2. Copy of photo identification for the applicant.
  3. Application fee.
  4. A signed Michigan Vital Record's Sex Designation Form or a court order determining sex designation.

NOTE:  If you want to change your name a court ordered legal name change is required.

Q: The birth date is incorrect on my birth record. What documentation do I need in order to change this?

A: You will need to provide:

  1. A completed application to change a Michigan birth record.
  2. One document that originated prior to your 7th birthday that lists the correct birthdate


Two documents dated at least five (5) years prior to the date of application that list the correct birthdate.


Q. The place of birth is incorrect on my birth record. What do I need to change this?

A: You will need to provide:

  1. A completed application to change a Michigan birth record.
  2. A document from the attendant at birth that specifies the correct birth place


A document from the facility where the birth occurred.

Q: I am adopting or have adopted a foreign born child. How do I register the Delayed Registration of Foreign Birth with Michigan?

A: Contact the probate court in the county where you reside for assistance.

Q: I am adopting or plan to adopt a child born in Michigan. What do I need to do to register the adoption with Michigan?

A: The court where the adoption took place should mail the adoption order to:

Vital Records Changes
P.O. Box 30721
Lansing , MI 48909 

When you apply for a certified copy of birth record for the first time, a changes fee of $50.00, made payable to State of Michigan, may be required, depending on whether the change fee has already been submitted by the court. The fee includes one (1) certified copy of the new vital record. Additional copies would be $16 each if ordered at the same time.

Q: I am adopting or plan to adopt a child born in the United States or Canada but not in Michigan. What do I need to do to register the adoption with Michigan?

A: You cannot register the adoption in Michigan if the child was born in another state or Canada.  The adoption order should be sent to the child's place of birth.  The court will normally handle that for you. When you need to order a birth record, you would then need to order your child's record in the child's state of birth.

Q: The parent's information on my birth certificate is incorrect. How do I correct the parent's information on the Michigan birth record (does not include adding or removing parent's name)?

A: You must provide:

  1. A completed application to change a Michigan birth record.
  2. A copy of the birth certificate of the parent with the correct information
  3. OR two (2) documents dated at least five (5) years prior to the date of application which contains the correct information.


Suggested documents for above changes:

- Baptism Records
- Insurance Forms
- Medical Records 
- Immunization Records 
- Military Records 
- School Records
- Birth Records of Applicant's Children
- Marriage License
- Life Insurance Policy

Q: How do I change the recorded race of the parents named on a birth record?

A: You must provide:

  1. A completed application to change a Michigan birth record.
  2. One document that records the correct race.

The parent's race was recorded from 1906-1967 on Michigan birth records and currently has been eliminated from the printed birth certificate that you would receive.  If you choose to have your birth record changed to reflect the race, it can be typed in the amendment area.

If there are any further questions not covered in the FAQ's regarding changing information on a Michigan birth record, please contact the Changes Unit at 517-335-8660.