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Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) State Plans

The State Emergency Relief (SER) Program provides financial assistance to Michigan residents facing extreme hardship or emergencies that threaten health and safety. LIHEAP is a part of the SER program and consists of federal funds for crisis assistance for energy-related services such as heating and electricity. As of June 15, LIHEAP funding will no longer be available this fiscal year. Please review this flyer to help answer questions about LIHEAP funding for the upcoming fiscal year.

LIHEAP State Plan for FY 2008 

LIHEAP State Plan for FY 2008 Amendment 

LIHEAP State Plan for FY 2009 

LIHEAP State Plan for FY 2009 Amendment 

LIHEAP State Plan for FY 2010 

LIHEAP State Plan for FY 2010 Amendment 

LIHEAP State Plan for FY 2011

LIHEAP State Plan for FY 2012

LIHEAP State Plan Supplement for FY 2012 

LIHEAP State Plan for FY 2013 

LIHEAP State Plan Supplement for FY 2013 

Proposed LIHEAP State Plan for FY 2014 

Proposed LIHEAP State Plan for FY 2015 

Proposed LIHEAP State Plan for FY 2016 

Proposed LIHEAP State Plan for FY 2017 

Revised LIHEAP State Plan for FY 2017

Proposed LIHEAP State Plan for FY 2018 

Proposed LIHEAP State Plan for FY 2019

Proposed LIHEAP State Plan for FY 2020

Proposed LIHEAP State Plan for FY 2021

Proposed LIHEAP State Plan for FY 2022

Proposed LIHEAP State Plan for FY 2023

Proposed LIHEAP State Plan for FY 2024

Proposed LIHEAP State Plan for FY 2025

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 (title XXVI of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981), as amended, authorizes grants to states to assist low-income households, particularly those with the lowest incomes, that pay a high proportion of household income for home energy, primarily in meeting their immediate home energy needs. This document is based on anticipated federal funding for Michigan. However, all State Plan components, funding percentages, and benefit levels indicated within this document are subject to change.

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), as the designated lead agency responsible for the administration of these funds, has, in cooperation with other agencies, prepared this State Plan. The plan calls for the utilization of services from the Department of Human Services and the Department of Treasury. The components of Michigan's energy assistance effort and the responsible agency for each are as follows:

  • Home Heating Credit: Department of Treasury
  • Crisis Intervention: MDHHS
  • Weatherization: MDHHS

The above multi-component structure is similar to previous Michigan energy program designs which have worked well in this state. Basic maintenance benefits are issued through the Home Heating Credit. Crisis intervention is provided through State Emergency Relief (SER) energy services. Weatherization services round out Michigan's strategy to meet the energy assistance needs of the state's low income population.


Through this comprehensive program design, Michigan will serve the varied needs of the state's low income population in an equitable manner. This structure allows households to receive the types of energy assistance which best meet their needs, while utilizing delivery mechanisms that have proven effective in past energy programs.