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What You Should Know About Arthritis

Arthritis is a leading cause of disability in the United States, and it limits the activities of more than one million adults in Michigan.

Arthritis is an umbrella term that includes more than 100 different rheumatic diseases and conditions; the most common of these is osteoarthritis. Other common forms of arthritis are gout, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus. Symptoms include pain, aching, stiffness, and swelling in or around the joints. For additional information on arthritis, please see the CDC Arthritis page.

Arthritis in Michigan

In 2020, over a third of Michigan adults reported ever being told by a doctor that they had some form of arthritis - significantly higher than the US median prevalence (24.4%). The prevalence of arthritis increases with age, and decreases as household income rises. For more data on arthritis in Michigan, see the most recent Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor Survey Annual Report.

Managing Arthritis

The Arthritis Foundation provides a wealth of information about arthritis treatment, healthy living with arthritis, pain management, the latest research, and more, at the If you're interested in finding an arthritis-safe exercise class (EnhanceFitness) or a six week workshop about managing chronic conditions (Personal Action Toward Health), go to

Para obtener información sobre artritis en español por favor visite a Arthritis Foundation or Centros Para El Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades..