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Reports & Publications

This page provides a listing of communicable disease related reports and publications that are put forth by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services as well as peer-reviewed publications authored by MDHHS Communicable Disease Division staff.


  • Weekly Surveillance Reports (WSR)
Current WSR 4-2025 3-2025 2-2025 1-2025
MDSS Administrative Report Guide
Q4-2008 Q1-2009 Q2-2009 Q1-2010

Communicable Disease Staff Publications


  • Hepatitis C Virus Infections Associated with Unsafe Injection Practices at a Pain Management Clinic, Michigan, 2014-2015.  Coyle JR, Goerge E, Kacynski K, Rodgers R, Raines P, Vail LS, Lowhim S.
    Pain Med. 2017 Feb 1;18(2):322-329.


  • Antimicrobial Stewardship Practices in Michigan Long-Term Care Facilities.  Malani AN, Brennan BM, Collins CD, Finks J, Pogue JM, Kaye KS.  Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2016 Feb;37(2):236-7. doi: 10.1017/ice.2015.286.
  • Influenza-Related Hospitalizations and Poverty Levels - United States, 2010-2012.
    Hadler JL, Yousey-Hindes K, Pérez A, Anderson EJ, Bargsten M, Bohm SR, Hill M, Hogan B, Laidler M, Lindegren ML, Lung KL, Mermel E, Miller L, Morin C, Parker E, Zansky SM, Chaves SS.
    MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2016 Feb 12;65(5):101-5. 
  • Multistate Outbreak of Human Salmonella Typhimurium Infections Linked to Pet Hedgehogs - United States, 2011-2013.  Anderson TC, Marsden-Haug N, Morris JF, Culpepper W, Bessette N, Adams JK, Bidol S, Meyer S, Schmitz J, Erdman MM, Gomez TM, Barton Behravesh C.  Zoonoses Public Health. 2016 Oct 13.


  • Hepatitis A Outbreak Among Adults with Developmental Disabilities in Group Homes - Michigan, 2013. Susan R. Bohm, Keira Wickliffe Berger, Pamela B. Hackert, Richard Renas, Suzanne Brunette, Nicole Parker, Carolyn Padro, Anne Hocking, Mary Hedemark, Renai Edwards, Russell L. Bush, Yury Khudyakov, Noele P. Nelson, Eyasu H. Teshale. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2015;64:148-152.

  • Does influenza vaccination modify influenza severity? Data on older adults hospitalized with influenza during the 2012-2013 season in the United States. Carmen S Arriola · Evan J Anderson · Joan Baumbach · Nancy Bennett · Susan Bohm · Mary Hill · Mary Lou Lindegren · Krista Lung · James Meek · Elizabeth Mermel · Lisa Miller · Maya L Monroe · Craig Morin · Oluwakemi Oni · Arthur Reingold · William Schaffner · Ann Thomas · Shelley M Zansky · Lyn Finelli · Sandra S Chaves. J Infect Dis 2015(3): 212(8). doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiv200.


  • Salmonellosis and meat purchased at live-bird and animal-slaughter markets, United States, 2007-2012Imanishi M, Anderson TC, Routh J, Brown C, Conidi G, Glenn L, Reddy V, Waechter H, Malavet M, Nyaku M, Bohm S, Bidol S, Arends K, Saupe A, Higa J, Nguyen TA, Pringle J, Behravesh CB, Bosch S.

    Emerg Infect Dis. 2014 Jan;20(1):167-9. 

  • Backyard Poultry Flocks and Salmonellosis: A Recurring, Yet Preventable Public Health Challenge. Barton Behravesh, C et al. and Wilkins MJ , Bidol SA, Boulton ML, and Stobierski MG

    Clin Infect Dis. (2014) 58 (10): 1432-1438

  • Statewide Surveillance of Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae in Michigan; Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2014; 35 (4): 342-349; B. M. Brennan MSPH; J. R. Coyle, MPH; D. Marchaim, MD; J. M. Pogue, PharmD; M. Boehme, BS, MLS(ASCP)CM; J. Finks, DVM, MVPH; A. N. Malani, MD; K. E. VerLee, MPH, CIC; B. O. Buckley, MPH; N. Mollon, MS; D. R. Sundin, PhD, D(ABMM); L. L. Washer, MD; K. S. Kaye, MD, MPH

  • Outbreak of Salmonella enterica serotype Infantis infection in humans linked to dry dog food in the United States and Canada, 2012; JAVMA 2014; 244 (5) March 1: 545-553; M. Imanishi, VMD, MPH; D. S. Rotstein, DVM, MPVM; R. Reimschuessel, VMD, PhD; C. A. Schwensohn, MPH; D. H. Woody Jr, BS; S. W. Davis, BS; A. D. Hunt, JD; K. D. Arends, MPH; M. Achen, BVSc; J. Cui, DVM; Y. Zhang, DVM, PhD; L. F. Denny, MPH; Q. N. Phan, MPH; L. A. Joseph, MS; C. C. Tuite, MS; J. R. Tataryn, DVM, MSc; C. Barton Behravesh, MS, DVM, DrPH


  • Clinical Findings for Fungal Infections Caused by Methylprednisolone Injections; N Engl J Med 2013; 369:1610-1619; Tom M. Chiller, M.D., M.P.H.&T.M., Monika Roy, M.D., M.P.H., Duc Nguyen, M.D., Alice Guh, M.D., M.P.H., Anurag N. Malani, M.D., Robert Latham, M.D., Sheree Peglow, M.D., Tom Kerkering, M.D., David Kaufman, M.D., Jevon McFadden, M.D., M.P.H., Jim Collins, M.P.H., R.S., Marion Kainer, M.B., B.S., M.P.H., Joan Duwve, M.D., M.P.H., David Trump, M.D., M.P.H., Carina Blackmore, D.V.M., Ph.D., Christina Tan, M.D., M.P.H., Angela A. Cleveland, M.P.H., Tara MacCannell, Ph.D., Atis Muehlenbachs, M.D., Ph.D., Sherif R. Zaki, M.D., Ph.D., Mary E. Brandt, Ph.D., and John A. Jernigan, M.D. for the Multistate Fungal Infection Clinical Investigation Team
  • Fungal Infections Associated with Contaminated Methylprednisolone Injections; N Engl J Med 2013; 369:1598-1609; Rachel M. Smith, M.D., M.P.H., Melissa K. Schaefer, M.D., Marion A. Kainer, M.B., B.S., M.P.H., Matthew Wise, Ph.D., Jennie Finks, D.V.M., M.V.P.H., Joan Duwve, M.D., M.P.H., Elizabeth Fontaine, M.S.P.H., Alvina Chu, M.H.S., Barbara Carothers, L.P.N., Amy Reilly, R.N., Jay Fiedler, M.S., Andrew D. Wiese, M.P.H., Christine Feaster, M.S.M., Lex Gibson, B.S., Stephanie Griese, M.D., Anne Purfield, Ph.D., Angela A. Cleveland, M.P.H., Kaitlin Benedict, M.P.H., Julie R. Harris, Ph.D., M.P.H., Mary E. Brandt, Ph.D., Dianna Blau, D.V.M., Ph.D., John Jernigan, M.D., J. Todd Weber, M.D., and Benjamin J. Park, M.D. for the Multistate Fungal Infection Outbreak Response Team
  • Prevalence and risk factors associated with vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus precursor organism colonization among patients with chronic lower-extremity wounds in Southeastern Michigan; Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2013 Sep;34(9):954-60; Tosh PK, Agolory S, Strong BL, Verlee K, Finks J, Hayakawa K, Chopra T, Kaye KS, Gilpin N, Carpenter CF, Haque NZ, Lamarato LE, Zervos MJ, Albrecht VS, McAllister SK, Limbago B, Maccannell DR, McDougal LK, Kallen AJ, Guh AY.
  • US outbreak of human Salmonella infections associated with aquatic frogs, 2008-2011;  Pediatrics 2013 Apr;131(4):724-31; Mettee Zarecki SL, Bennett SD, Hall J, Yaeger J, Lujan K, Adams-Cameron M, Winpisinger Quinn K, Brenden R, Biggerstaff G, Hill VR, Sholtes K, Garrett NM, Lafon PC, Barton Behravesh C, Sodha SV; Bidol SA of the Salmonella Typhimurium Outbreak Investigation Team.
  • Spinal and paraspinal infection associated with contaminated methylprednisolone acetate infections - Michigan, 2012-2013; Morbidity Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) May 17, 2012:62(19):377-381; J Finks, J Collins, C Miller, J Fiedler, S Johnson, JR Coyle, BM Brennan, AN Malani, V Moudgal, D Vandenberg, KM Speirs, D Martin, C Tichindelean, D Sula, C Ledtke, RA Heyding, T MacCannell, T Chiller, J McFadden, R Dantes, MK Nyaku.



  • A National Outbreak of Salmonella Serotype Tennessee Infections From Contaminated Peanut Butter: A New Food Vehicle for Salmonellosis in the United States.  Sheth, AN et al. and Katie Sheline, Sally Bidol.  Clin Infect Dis. (2011) 53 (4): 356-362

  • Cholera in United States Associated with Epidemic in Hispaniola; Emerg. Infect. Dis. 2011, 17(11): 2166-2168; Newton AE, Heiman KE, Schmitz A, Török T, Apostolou A, Hanson H, Gounder P, Bohm S, Kurkjian K, Parsons, M, Talkington D, Stroik S, Madoff LC, Elson F, Sweat D, Cantu V, Akwari O, Mahon B, Mintz ED.

  • Epidemiology of 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Deaths in the United States, April-July 2009 ; Clinical Infectious Diseases 2011 52: S60-S68; AL Fowlkes, P Arguin, MS Biggerstaff, J Gindler, D Blau, S Jain, et al (S Peters).
  • Attitudes and Behaviors of International Air Travelers Toward Pandemic Influenza ; J Travel Med 2011; 18:203-208; Sharangpani R MD, Boulton KE MPH,E Wells MD, C Kim MD.
  • Human Rabies -- Michigan, 2009 ; MMWR Morbidity Mortality Weekly Report 60(14): 437-440; K Signs, MG Stobierski, CE Rupprecht, K. Robertson
  • Surveillance for HIV/AIDS in the United States. Chapter XX in Infectious Disease Surveillance Second Edition. Editors: Mikanatha N, Lynfield R, Van Beneden CA, deValk H; Blackwell Publishers, In Press; Mokotoff ED, Shouse, RL.




  • Human Mycobacterium bovis Infection and Bovine Tuberculosis Outbreak, Michigan, 1994-2007; Emerging Infectious Diseases 14(4):657-660; MJ Wilkins, J Meyerson, PC Bartlett, SL Spieldenner, DE Berry, LB Mosher, JB Kaneene, B Robinson-Dunn, MG Stobierski, ML Boulton
  • Increased recognition of Powassan encephalitis in the United States, 1999-2005; Vector Borne Zoonotic Diseases 8(6):733-740; SR Hinten, GA Beckett, KF Gensheimer, E Pritchard, TM Courtney, SD Sears, JM Woytowicz, DG Preston, RP Smith Jr, PW Rand, EH Lacombe, MS Holman, CB Lubelczyk, PT Kelso, AP Beelen, MG Stobierski, MJ Sotir, S Wong, G Ebel, O Kosoy, J Piesman, GL Campbell, AA Marfin