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Infection Prevention


The MDHHS Infection Prevention Unit is a team of subject matter experts from the Emerging Infectious Diseases Division.

We partner and collaborate with Local Health Departments (LHDs), Long Term Care facilities (LTCs), and other congregate settings to provide and strengthen infection prevention practice, containment strategies, and prevention plans.

Unsure of the latest infection prevention strategies? Click here to connect!

Sign up for infection prevention email updates.



We now have a Qualtrics survey which can allow a facility to request either a site visit or educational session.

Site visit and/or educational session request

  • On-site infection control assessment response (ICAR) visit
  • Virtual infection control assessment response (ICAR)
  • On-site education session
    • Basic personal protective equipment
    • Bloodborne pathogen and sharps safety
    • Clean to dirty workflow
    • Cleaning and disinfection
    • Enhanced barrier precautions
    • Hand hygiene
    • Mental health and well-being presentation from our partners at Stay Well Michigan
  • Policy/procedure review


How Can We Partner? Here Are A Few Ways:

Assist LHD's

Assist Local Health Departments with prioritizing facilities in their jurisdiction to focus resources and supplies.

Education Sessions

Provide education sessions to staff, community members, and administration on guidelines, education, topics of interest, and infection prevention best practices.

virtual and on-site
Conduct virtual and on-site Infection Control Assessment and Response (ICARs) in congregate settings (healthcare and non-healthcare) to prevent or contain COVID-19 and other pathogens.
Review and Interpret

Review and interpretation of the latest CMS, CDC, and MDHHS guidance.

IP Policies

Review of infection prevention policies, procedures, and practices at LTC facilities and other congregate settings.

Technical Assistance

Technical assistance with infection prevention questions such as, personal protective equipment (PPE), cohorting residents, testing strategies, staff concerns and/or issues, etc.

Contact Us

333 South Grand Lansing, MI
(Mon. - Fri. 8 a..m. - 5 p.m.)