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Employment Success Story: Jacqueline Cuevas

Employment Success Story: Jacqueline Cuevas

Where do you work, and how long have you worked there?

"I co-own Junction Party Store with my husband. We bought the business in February of 2020."


What parts of your job do you enjoy the most?

"I enjoy involving myself with the community and meeting the needs of our customers. I love doing the public relations part, being interviewed, and making our business and services known to the greater public. I love that we are now in a position to sponsor/donate to various churches, schools, and non-profit organizations in our community." 


Can you share a moment when you felt proud of your contributions at work?

"There have been a few instances where we have had to correct the errors and violations of previous owners. I would have never thought I could do some of the things I have done, I know that I have been able to accomplish this because this business belongs to me, and I gave myself the accommodations I need to do so. The previous owner had not registered the store for the appropriate use. After being told that we were operating illegally. I gathered all of the proof needed to present to the Detroit Building Environmental Engineering Department to prove that the current use had been in place for at least 60 years. The Director ruled in our favor, and we did not have to cease operations. I have also successfully changed the zoning of the land where our business is."


Can you describe how your employment has improved your life outside of work?

"My experience in leading this business is empowering and rewarding. I feel like I am a part of the business/ professional world that I grew up being told I could not because of my disability."


What advice would you give to people with disabilities looking for a job in their community?

"Please go into the workplace or entrepreneurship knowing that no one is doing you a favor by hiring you. You as you are, are a contribution to society. You have strengths, know what you like, and find a place where you will be part of a team. If you don't know how it's ok. You are smart and you can learn." 


What advice would you give to employers wanting to hire people with disabilities?

"Allow yourself and your team to bring out the strengths of the individual and create a unique and empowering work environment."