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Customer Services

All of Michigan's pre-paid inpatient health plans (PIHPs) that manage the Medicaid mental health, developmental disabilities and substance abuse treatment benefits are required by contract to have a customer services unit. It is the function of the customer services unit to be the front door of the PIHP and to convey an atmosphere that is welcoming, helpful, and informative. In 2006, MDCH developed customer services standards, customer handbook standard language (including a descriptive list of all Medicaid mental health, developmental disability and substance abuse treatment covered services), and a training curriculum for PIHP customer services staff.

Medicaid Customer Services Hotline: 1-800-642-3195 / Behavioral & Physical Health and Aging Services Administration Customer Services: 1-844-275-6324.

Updated April 30, 2024, unless otherwise noted below.

CMHSP and PIHP Customer Services Representatives

PIHP Customer Services Standards (Updated 9/27/2024)

CS Template #1: Confidentiality and Family Access to Information

CS Template #2: Coordination of Care

CS Template #3: Emergency and After-Hours Access to Services

CS Template #4 – Glossary or Definition of Terms (Updated 9/27/2024)

CS Template #5: Grievance and Appeals Processes

CS Template #6 – Language Assistance and Accommodations

CS Template #7: Payment for Services

CS Template #8: Person-Centered Planning

CS Template #9: Recipient Rights

CS Template #10: Recovery and Resiliency

CS Template #11: Service Array

CS Template #12: Service Authorization

CS Template #13: Tag Lines

CS Template #14: Fraud, Waste and Abuse