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State Level

Mental Health Diversion Council: Created in 2013 by Governor Synder to gather stakeholders around the state from areas of mental health, law enforcement, the courts, advocacy, juvenile justice and corrections (amongst others) in order to formulate and implement jail diversion strategies on a statewide basis that would help to divert persons with mental illness, SUD, IDD and DD out of jails and in to treatment when appropriate and to advise on best practices from those initiatives and from around the country.

Managing Mental Health Crisis Training:


Crisis Intervention Team Training:


Michigan Crisis Services Training:


Mental Health First Aid Training:


Community/Access/Resources/Education/Safety (C.A.R.E.S.) Committee:


Juvenile Justice:


Center for Behavioral Health and Justice:


State Court Administrative Office:


Mental Health Diversion Council Legislation:


Mental Health Diversion Council Veterans Initiatives: