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Child Fatalities Reported to Children's Protective Services


Children's Protective Services Centralized Intake received 345 complaints which alleged a child may have died from possible abuse and neglect.

  • 69 of the 345 deaths led to a substantiation against parents for abuse/neglect, although the substantiated abuse/neglect was not necessarily a factor in the child’s death.
  • 35 required further court intervention.
  • 173 led to a denial.
  • 103 did not meet the criterion to be assigned.

Of the 12 children that died under court jurisdiction:

  • 5 died from previous injuries or medical issues.
  • 6 died from accident
  • 1 died from abuse or neglect by caretaker


Children's Protective Services Centralized Intake received 310 complaints which alleged a child may have died from possible abuse and neglect.

  • 49 of the 310 deaths led to a substantiation against parents for abuse/neglect, although the substantiated abuse/neglect was not necessarily a factor in the child’s death.
  • 22 required further court intervention.
  • 173 led to a denial.
  • 88 did not meet the criterion to be assigned.

Of the 16 children that died under court jurisdiction:

  • 7 died from previous injuries or medical issues.
  • 8 died from accident
  • 1 died from abuse or neglect by caretaker


Children's Protective Services Centralized Intake received 331 complaints which alleged a child may have died from possible abuse and neglect.

  • 66 of the 331 deaths led to a substantiation against parents for abuse/neglect, although the substantiated abuse/neglect was not necessarily a factor in the child’s death.
  • 33 required further court intervention.
  • 168 led to a denial.
  • 97 did not meet the criterion to be assigned.

Of the 16 children that died under court jurisdiction:

  • 6 died from previous injuries or medical issues.
  • 7 died from accident
  • 3 died from abuse or neglect by caretaker


Children's Protective Services Centralized Intake received 306 complaints which alleged a child may have died from possible abuse and neglect.

  • 64 of the 306 deaths led to a substantiation against parents for abuse/neglect, although the substantiated abuse/neglect was not necessarily a factor in the child’s death.
  • 36 required further court intervention.
  • 155 led to a denial.
  • 87 did not meet the criterion to be assigned.

Of the 12 children that died under court jurisdiction:

  •  7 died from previous injuries or medical issues.
  • 3 died from accident
  • 1 died from suicide
  • 1 died from abuse or neglect by caretaker


Children's Protective Services Centralized Intake received 328 complaints which alleged a child may have died from possible abuse and neglect.

  • 78 of the 328 deaths led to a substantiation against parents for abuse/neglect, although the substantiated abuse/neglect was not necessarily a factor in the child’s death.
  • 15 required further court intervention.
  • 176 led to a denial.
  • 75 did not meet the criterion to be assigned.

Of the 11 children that died under court jurisdiction:

  • 11 died from previous injuries or medical issues.
  • 0 died from accident
  • 0 died from abuse or neglect by caretaker


Children’s Protective Services Centralized Intake received 298 complaints which alleged a child may have died from possible abuse and neglect.

  • 84 of the 298 complaints led to a substantiation against the parents for abuse/neglect, although the substantiated abuse/neglect was not necessarily a factor in the child’s death.
  • 51 of the 84 substantiations required further court intervention.
  • 161 of the 298 complaints led to a denial for abuse/neglect on the parent’s part.
  • 53 of the 298 complaints did not meet the criteria to be assigned for investigation.

Of the 13 children that died under court jurisdiction:

  • 11 died from previous injury or medical issues
  • 2 died from accident
  • 0 died from abuse or neglect by caretaker


Children’s Protective Services Centralized Intake received 339 complaints which alleged a child may have died from possible abuse and neglect.

  • 92 of the 339 complaints led to a substantiation against the parents for abuse/neglect, although the substantiated abuse/neglect was not necessarily a factor in the child’s death.
  • 44 of the 92 substantiations required further court intervention.
  • 172 of the 339 complaints led to a denial for abuse/neglect on the parent’s part.
  • 65 of the 339 complaints did not meet the criteria to be assigned for investigation.

Of the 14 children that died under court jurisdiction:

  • 12 died from previous injuries or medical issues.
  • 2 died as a result of an accident.
  • 0 died as a result of abuse or neglect by caretaker.


Children’s Protective Services Centralized Intake received 310 complaints which alleged a child may have died from possible abuse and neglect.

  • 74 of the 310 complaints led to a substantiation against the parents for abuse/neglect, although the substantiated abuse/neglect was not necessarily a factor in the child’s death.
  • 20 of the 74 substantiations required further court intervention.
  • 138 of the 310 complaints led to a denial for abuse/neglect on the parent’s part.
  • 33 of the 310 complaints did not meet the criteria to be assigned for investigation.

Of the 8 children that died under court jurisdiction:

  • 6 died from previous injuries or medical issues.
  • 0 died as a result of an accident.
  • 2 died as a result of abuse or neglect by caretaker.