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Grant Projects

Digital Marketing Demonstration Project 2018-2021

The Digital Marketing Demonstration Project, sponsored by the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Administration for Children and Families, was a 24-month demonstration project with the goal of researching how digital marketing may help the child support program more effectively reach and serve families. In September 2018, OCSE awarded funds to 14 child support agencies to test digital marketing approaches and partnerships to reach parents that could benefit from child support services, and create or improve two-way digital communication and engagement with parents. The Office of Child Support (OCS), a part of Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), was one of the 14 child support agencies selected to participate in the project.

What Is Child Support?


Final Grant Summary

Read an overview of the project: its objectives, activities and key findings. 

Read the Final Grant Summary