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Audiologist - Best Practice Guidelines

Tips for Optimal Hearing Testing

  • Ensure the rescreen is completed using the same technology as the initial hearing screen
  • Ensure babies who do not pass the rescreen are referred to a Pediatric Diagnostic Facility for a diagnostic hearing test, regardless of middle ear status.
  • Council parents on the differences between rescreening and diagnostic testing and the importance of going right away for more testing.
  • Report results and follow-up attempts to the EHDI program.
  • Complete initial diagnostic audiologic evaluation using a battery of physiological testing procedures (JCIH 2019).
  • Report the results of the diagnostic audiologic hearing evaluation to the child’s PCP, including information that an infant was not successfully tested after being referred for testing.
  • If a baby has been identified as having permanent hearing loss:
  1. Make a referral for Early Intervention and report the date of the referral to the EHDI Program: Early On Michigan
  2. Provide parents with information about hearing and hearing loss, and communication and education options
  3. Make a referral to Michigan Hands & Voices Guide by Your Side Program: Guide By Your Side | Mich. Hands & Voices

Best Practice Resources

Joint Committee on Infant Hearing Position Statement

This current 2019 document builds on prior Joint Committee on Infant Hearing (JCIH) publications, updating best practices through literature reviews and expert consensus opinion on screening; identification; and audiological, medical, and educational management of infants and young children and their families.

JCIH Position Statement