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Vaccine Confidence and Education Materials
Talk with parents and patients
Resources for best practices in vaccine education and communication:
Educating Parents or Patients about Vaccines | CDC
CDC guidance for providing strong vaccine recommendations.Childhood Vaccine Information for Health Care Providers | Childhood Vaccines | CDC
CDC tips and resources for improving and maximizing communications with parents.Maternal Vaccine Information for Healthcare Providers (CDC)
CDC's toolkit for prenatal care providers for increasing the use of maternal vaccines by ob-gyns, nurse-midwives, and other health care professionals.Strategies to increase vaccinations
Best Practices to Overcome Vaccine Hesitancy: A Toolkit for Community Organizers
Videos explain the importance of vaccination, how to effectively address questions from parents about vaccine safety and effectiveness, and how clinicians routinely recommend same day vaccination to their patients.
References for Provider Resources for Vaccine Conversations | CDC
Materials to help you assess parents’ needs, identify the role they want to play in making decisions for their child’s health, and then communicate in ways that meet their needs.This page outlines some of the topics parents ask about most and tips for how to answer their questions. It is intended as a
companion to Talking with Parents about Vaccines for Infants.Motivational Interviewing is an evidence-based and culturally sensitive way to speak with unvaccinated patients about getting vaccinated. The goal of motivational interviewing is to help people manage mixed feelings and move toward healthy behavior change that is consistent with their values and needs.
Techniques and talking points to address vaccine hesitancy
General Education MaterialsInformation Coming Soon!!
A list of resources for printable patient education materials, posters, brochures, etc.
Immunization Brochures for Individuals and Families (
The following brochures can be ordered from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Clearinghouse. These brochures are free to Michigan residents.
Safe Sleep and Vaccines (
Flyer for healthcare providers to add to their facilities explaining safe sleep and vaccines. Vaccines help protect your baby from 15 serious diseases by age 2.
Partners | Print Materials to Promote Vaccination of Preteens and Teens | CDC
Printable fact sheets, flyers, and posters for teens and parents
Includes American Indian/Alaska Native specific resources
Chickenpox Vaccine Saves Lives Infographic | CDC
Chickenpox Vaccine Saves Lives and Prevents Serious Illness Infographic.
Vaccine Resources | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (
The Vaccine Education Center has compiled a variety of materials to address vaccine-related questions and concerns.
Handouts about Children's Vaccines for Parents (
Clinical resources: Parent Handouts
Vaccines for Pregnant People - Nov.2021 ([C(1] [D(2]
One pdf file with printable handouts and infographics for parents. Includes handout listing credible sources of vaccine information.
VYF_Vaccine-PreventableDiseases_AdulteBook-Updated-Dec22-1.pdf (
Comprehensive ebook on vaccine-preventable diseases in adults.
VYF_Vaccine-PreventableDiseases_eBook-UpdatedJune2022-FINAL.pdf (
Comprehensive ebook on vaccine-preventable diseases in children and teens.
Pregnancy and VaccinationCDC: Pregnancy and Vaccination
CDC's toolkit for prenatal care providers for increasing the use of maternal vaccines by ob-gyns, nurse-midwives, and other health care professionals. -
Outbreak Information and Data
For information on recent outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, and data and statistics on vaccination related topics in Michigan:
Vaccines and Vaccine Preventable Diseases Data and Statistics (MDHHS)