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Michigan PRAMS Successes

Information from the mothers who answer Michigan PRAMS is used to enhance our understanding of emerging health issues and track progress in improving the health of mothers and infants across Michigan. These findings help to develop laws and policies, strengthen public health programs, educate healthcare providers, and distribute resources. Every week, state, local, and non-profit programs use PRAMS data to:

  • Hear the real stories of Michigan's moms and babies and use these facts to take the guess work out of figuring out what kinds of challenges Michigan moms and babies face.
  • Decide how to best use money and resources to make the biggest positive impacts for Michigan's moms and babies.
  • Identify areas where new or changed laws, policies, or procedures may benefit Michigan's moms and babies.

Here are a few specific examples on how PRAMS has helped achieve better opportunities for health for Michigan's moms and babies.

Michigan PRAMS and...

tooth and toothbrushHealthy Teeth/Healthy Pregnancy

Having healthy teeth and gums may not be something many people associate with a healthy pregnancy. Researchers know that a pregnant woman who has dental problems is more likely to give birth to a low birthweight or preterm baby and that her baby is at a greater risk for having cavities when he/she is older. PRAMS data on dental problems and visits to the dentist during pregnancy informed During Pregnancy, the Mouth Matters: A Guide to Perinatal Oral Health which contains the guidelines Michigan doctors and dentists use to make sure pregnant women are receiving proper oral care.

breastfeeding motherThe Michigan Breastfeeding Coordinator

The Advancing Healthy Births - An Equity Plan for Michigan Families & Communities (2024-2028) continuing to strive towards the strategic vision of zero preventable deaths and zero health disparities. This plan underscores Michigan's commitment to sustainable actions and multifaceted strategies aimed at advancing outcomes for birthing individuals and their infants. One priority within this plan is to promote breastfeeding to all Michigan birthing persons. 

In 2017, Michigan PRAMS data was used to help inform the state breastfeeding work plan, help develop materials around the intersection of breastfeeding and safe sleep, assist programs in understanding how to help breastfeeding mothers adhere to safe sleep practices, and present successes in increasing breastfeeding rates.

baby crib  Preventing Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths (SUIDs)

About three times a week in Michigan, a parent will experience the tragedy of placing their new infant down for a sleep from which he or she will never wake. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) case registry tells us that from 2010-2015 there were 871 sleep-related infant deaths in Michigan, or a rate of 12.7 deaths per 10,000 live births each year.

In August 2016, Michigan PRAMS was asked to begin the most thorough examination of safe sleep related practices that the survey had ever undertaken. PRAMS is the only data source that lets us know how and where Michigan infants are placed for sleep and other factors that may affect SUIDs. The Infant Safe Sleep in Michigan: A Comprehensive Look at Sleep-Related Deaths report was drafted by Michigan Infant Safe Sleep program staff using the American Academy of Pediatrics' 2016 evidence-based recommendations for a safe infant sleep environment as the basis for Michigan's twelve-step plan to reduce sleep-related deaths in the coming years. PRAMS data helped the Michigan Safe Sleep Program decide on the 12 steps to include in the report.

Logo for Native American PRAMS SurveyNative American Maternal Health

Michigan's Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Epidemiology Center, the Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan, and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services collaborated to execute the Native American PRAMS (NA PRAMS) survey in Michigan in 2012-2013. Data from this research project has been useful for:

  • Asabike Healthy Start, a program that provides in-home support for Michigan's Native American mothers, took data from the NA PRAMS survey, Michigan PRAMS survey, along with tribal Fetal and Infant Mortality Review (FIMR) data, and Healthy Start program data to help establish priority areas to focus its resources.
  • Creating the Native American PRAMS Infant Safe Sleep Report.


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