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Building Trauma Informed Communities

Building Trauma-informed Communities

Trauma and toxic stress occur in the context of families and communities. Families, service providers and community leaders can work together to address the impact of trauma and toxic stress and, more importantly, to reduce conditions that lead to trauma and toxic stress.

This section provides information about community-wide efforts in Michigan and across the country that are focused on addressing trauma and enhancing well-being for children.

Information about community-based resilience building strategies

Community-Based Trauma Initiatives in Michigan

A summary of community-based trauma initiatives in Michigan and across the country, provided by Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

Community Resilience Cookbook-Essential Ingredients

Describes how communities in the United States and Canada are putting the theories of ACEs and resilience into practice.

Working Toward Well-Being: Community Approaches to Toxic Stress

An issue brief from the Early Childhood-LINC Learning Lab. Click on  Resources & Publications.

The Washington State ACEs Public-Private Initiative (APPI)

A collaboration of private, community and public entities working together to learn how communities can prevent and address Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

The Health Federation of Philadelphia, Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities

The Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) program brings together 14 sites actively engaged in building the movement for a just, healthy and resilient world.

Self-Healing Communities: A Transformational Process Model for Improving Intergenerational Health

An article published by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation that describes a model of building community capacity that helped to reduce rates of health and social problems.

Milwaukee Blueprint for Peace

A community-driven agenda for addressing the complex factors that drive violence in Milwaukee.