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Courts & Juvenile Justice

Being Trauma Informed & Responsive Presentations

Power point presentations targeted to judicial and juvenile justice/residential care providers including a toolkit and handouts.

Enhancing Law Enforcement Response to Children Exposed to Violence and Childhood Trauma

Training materials for law enforcement officers developed by the International Association of  Chiefs of Police and the Childhood Violence Trauma Center at the Child Study Center at the Yale School of Medicine.

Juvenile Justice System

National Child Traumatic Stress Network resources to help juvenile justice professionals understand and provide trauma-focused services to youth in the juvenile justice system.

National Center for State Courts

A clearinghouse for research information and comparative data to support improvement in judicial administration in state courts. This section includes articles about trauma-informed juvenile justice programs.

Center for Non-Violence and Social Justice

Several toolkits available for behavioral health staff, hospital front line staff and Law Enforcement/ Criminal Justice Staff

Trauma-informed System of Care

National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges overview of trauma-informed care in the juvenile justice system.

Assessing Trauma-Informed Practice: Lessons Learned from a Trauma Audit

Futures Without Violence webinar that shares information learned from trauma audits of juvenile and family courts around the nation.